[FANFICTION] Forbidden Fruit (1/?)

Aug 10, 2009 20:20

Title: Forbidden Fruit
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, alternate universe, angst, and humor
Warnings: Foul language, un-beta'd, and content
Summary: Dedicate this to polyurethane. In love with one but betrothed to another, Koyama did what any other man in love would do. Run away with his true love. KoyaShige.
Author's Notes: Haha, finally I update this with some plot! Hopefully I won't be as greedy. Please review if you enjoyed it!
Words: 1,646

Forbidden Fruit

By LilyChan

Chapter One

On the top of the tallest hill, there lived a farmer. He was a simple man who had nothing to his name but his precious farm. Willingly, he gave his produce to whoever approached him. People would worry for he was deemed too kind. They told him to be careful for someone might try to take advantage of him. One such person reminded him, a young woman. She would check on him everyday though she too would ask him for his produce once a week.

One day a nobleman visited the young farmer.

“Please give me your fruits,” he pleaded, “my sister is struck with scurvy! She refuses to eat any of the royal fruits but she gave me your name. Please save my precious sister!”

The farmer could only smile and agree to help. He personally delivered fresh fruit that were ripe and ready to be eaten. When he arrived at the nobleman’s home, the farmer was shocked to find out the nobleman’s sister was the young woman who used to visit him every day.

Saddened by her state, the farmer cried on the basket of fruit he carried. His tears unintentionally fell all over them but when he realized it, he didn’t want to give the royals his fruit. He was afraid he may have tainted with his tears but they refused to let him leave with it. He was eventually escorted out of the nobleman’s estate despite his cries.

The farmer tried to visit the sick woman everyday; yet he was denied each time. The nobleman put him aside one day after he was denied entrance that day and tried to talk the concerned farmer.

“Why are you here everyday?” The nobleman asked.

“I want to know of your sister’s condition,” the farmer said. “She visited me everyday and I’m just returning the favor.”

The nobleman considered his statement for a moment as the two continued their walk off the estate. After a little bit of silence, the nobleman finally spoke.

“Let me give you some advice. Know your place before you find it. I can tell you care for my sister and she seems to care for you. However it could never work between you two. You are from completely different classes. I fear you can only see her as a customer and friend. Please do not harbor any angry feelings towards me - I am only trying to protect my dear sister from a world of hurt. Forgive me, sir, but you cannot visit here anymore. Don’t ever return here unless it’s for business.”

Heartbroken, the farmer never returned to visit the young woman. He tried to resume his usual routine of working on his farm but he couldn’t keep his mind off of her and her brother’s cruel words. Soon it became too much to bear for the farmer.

He decided to ignore the warning and manage to sneak inside the estate. The farmer managed to see the noblewoman but it was only for a moment.

Even though he only saw her for a moment, the farmer was relieved to see the woman recovered. He was tossed into the dungeon for disobeying the nobleman’s words.

As he sat in the dreary dungeon, the farmer had a bright smile on his face. All he could think about was the noblewoman’s healthy face. Her smile when she saw him. Her bright and shining eyes were filled friendship and warmth.

He didn’t realize when she came down to visit.

She tried to get him out of the dungeon multiple times but her brother refused.

“He disobeyed me,” the nobleman said. “Why do you involve yourself with him? He is only a simple farmer. He can only give you food, not security. Not protection. Your name would be useless in his world.”

“Brother, he is too kind! He will give out food to anyone who asks! And damn my name! It’s practically useless anyway with you as the heir!”

”It sounds like you’re protecting him. I ask you again, dear sister,” he ignored the name comment, “why do you involve yourself with him?”

The noblewoman thought for a moment until she finally answered.

“It’s because I love him.”

With her realization, she stormed down and released the farmer from the dungeon herself by using her brother’s name to gain the keys. Even though her brother chased her so far and threatened to banish her, she didn’t care - she wanted to be with him and she was willing to risk everything.

Once the farmer was released, the woman’s brother made his guards chase after them but they soon gave up - the farmer was much smarter than the nobleman had originally thought. The couple managed to lose the guards in the forest that the farmer knew so well.

After the nobleman destroyed the farmer’s farm, the couple managed to find a town completely devoid of the woman’s brother’s rule and decided to live there in peace where they ultimately lived happily ever after.


Keiichiro Koyama closed the book and sighed. A big smile was on his face as it placed the book down on the floor. He looked out his window and saw that it was almost dawn. Koyama sighed, as he got comfortable in his bed despite the time. He started to drift to sleep but couldn’t when he heard a knock on the door. Koyama refused to get out of bed.

“Koyama-san,” said a voice behind the door. “Please get up! Your father will be very angry with you again if you’re late!”

Koyama stayed underneath his covers and muttered something incoherent.

The door opened and a young girl walked in. Her hair was frumpy, her face had mud on it, and she was short. She walked over to the sleeping teen and tried to wake him up.

“Come on, Koyama-san! Get up! I don’t want your father to get mad at you again!” She kept trying to wake him up but her efforts were wasted.

Koyama groaned noisily as he eventually sat up. He rubbed his eyes as he muttered something again but the servant girl didn’t seem to listen, much less pay attention. The girl busied herself by opening the window and turning on the candle that was in his room.

The teenaged boy just sat on his bed for a moment to watch the servant girl do her chores around his room idly. The servant girl seemed to ignore him at first but he eventually distracted her.

“Koyama-san! Stop watching me and go downstairs!” She gave him an annoyed expression and placed her hands on her hips. Koyama sighed as he reluctantly got out of bed. The servant girl merely resumed her duties.

“What does father want anyway?” Koyama whined. “He has the servants to do whatever he needs to do.”

The servant girl’s steps did not falter.

“Go downstairs and find out,” she said. “I’ll keep it a secret you’ve been reading that book again.” The girl picked up the novel Koyama was reading earlier from the floor and waved it in his face. Koyama stared at her.

“How did you know I was reading that?” he asked, bewildered and a little annoyed.

The girl gave him a chuckle and hid the book by placing a rag on top of it.

“Because I know you, Koyama-san. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be doing my job.”

Koyama pouted but laughed. “You’re right.”

“Now get up. I can imagine Kato-san-oops!” She covered her mouth with a hand.

“What? Kato-san’s here?”

“No, no,” she muttered. “I revealed a surprise! Better keep this under wraps…” the girl mumbled to herself. “Got to get out of here!”

Koyama sat up and jumped out of bed. He rushed over to her and even blocked her way out.

“Mai! No, wait! It’s okay! Y-you can tell me more. The worst thing my father can do is, uh, lecture me on reading my novel again. I promise you’ll keep your job!”

Mai, the servant girl, stopped and sighed but mumbled something Koyama couldn’t hear. She brushed past by him in haste and Koyama merely stood there, confused.

Is she sad? Koyama thought as Mai accidentally slammed the door to her quarters.


As Koyama stepped down the stairs, he adjusted his clothes. He knew his father was going to accuse him of staying up late again but he wanted to see if he could avoid that. He stopped, however, when he saw a young girl at the bottom of the stairs. However, the woman looked too refined to be a new servant. She wore fine, white clothes instead of frumpy rags.

Usually, whenever the Kato family returned to the Koyama estate, they would bring new servants in exchange for food, older servants, or whatever else. When the young Kato, Shigeaki, or Shige, was younger, he stayed with the Koyama family because his father didn’t want anyone to get funny ideas, like kidnapping. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that the two boys bonded quickly, especially since they would continuously prank each other, their parents, and their servants. However, once Shige became more useful for his father, he started to travel with him more often. Koyama wasn’t sure what exactly he felt but he was sure about his feelings towards him.

However, Koyama was never too sure about Shige’s feelings at all.

The woman in white turned to face him with a bright smile and Koyama wondered how old she was since she looked older.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Koyama politely said. “Who are you looking for? My father’s outside by the barn if you wanted to talk to him about our servants.” He pointed out in the direction the barn would be if the woman didn’t know the direction.

The woman smiled brighter at him and said, just as polite, “I’m looking for you! I’m your future wife!”

Prologue -  Chapter Two

person: news, rating: pg-13

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