Title: Comforting Kisses
baka_tenshiRating: G
Warnings: Unbeta'd.
Summary: For
prompt #8. Onew shouldn’t have to worry about a silly little thing like a near-death experience.
Author's Notes: I wanted to write something today so I did! Honestly, when I saw this prompt, I really wanted to write this. I hope you'll still give this a read and, especially if you liked it, review!
Words: 618
Comforting Kisses
By LilyChan
Onew shouldn’t have to worry about a silly little thing like a near-death experience. It’s silly to be depressed about something like that. The situation only gets sillier and sillier the more people go on about it all the time - especially if the KBS kept on saying on how it was Onew’s fault for supposedly causing the light to almost fall on him. Especially if interviewers were going to rub it in his face how clumsy he was.
Though he was happy when his co-worker, Jonghyun, confronted the interviewer - telling her how strong of a leader Onew was. How much they needed him. That gave Onew some insight how strong his bond was to his co-workers. They didn’t seem to mind him being quiet or even whenever Onew just wanted to be alone after the incident, at first. They did seem a little annoyed when Onew started to make a habit of it - so Onew immediately stopped himself. He forced himself to be normal again.
I have to be strong, Onew thought to himself. It’s silly to be upset over a little thing like that. I have to move on.
Onew didn’t count on the inevitable depression to be obvious enough to be picked up by Super Junior’s Lee Teuk. He was a little angry with the leader - because how could he depressed? It was a silly thing to be depressed about.
A surprise visit by Henry Lau seemed just the thing Onew needed. It was like Henry knew Onew just didn’t want to be alone anymore. He didn’t really understand, though, why the Canadian-Chinese man cared, even though they did live together at one point. People often forget their roommates. It’s silly to reminisce on the past. There’s no time for the past when the future is ahead. There’s no time for the past if the future is now.
“Hey,” Henry said, breaking Onew out of his thoughts. “I heard about what happened. Are you okay?” he asked. His voice seemed gentle, very much like the music he’d practice on his violin back then.
Onew gave the other his trademark bright smile. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” He turned his attention to something else - he didn’t want to think about that night; at least, not again.
Henry seemed to be quiet for a bit longer. He really looked concerned, Onew noted how Henry bit his lip, and Onew felt uncomfortable. Sure, people asked if he was okay that night after Siwon and Kyunhyun rescued him - but they were supposed to ask that. They were supposed to ask if Onew was okay.
And Onew had answered the way a truly strong leader would’ve: “I’m fine.”
Onew started to hate the quiet now. He didn’t like it anymore. He chuckled to break the awkward silence. “Did you see MC Mong’s Indian Boy? I think it’s a really cool song!”
Henry nodded and smiled a little bit but it was short-lived. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked once more. Onew started to get really annoyed with the questions but he didn’t show it on his face. He was a better actor than most people gave him credit for.
“I’m fine! Really!” Onew said. He purposefully gave the violinist a brighter smile to prove once and for all that he really was fine.
Henry still didn’t seem to believe him but he shrugged, figuring he’s never going to get a straight answer out of his old roommate.
Onew let out a sigh. It was truly silly to get worked up. However, it was the silliest thing how he felt when Henry leaned over, gave the SHINee leader a small kiss on the cheek, and Onew smiled brightly and honestly.