Title: Chasing Dreams
Part: 11 of 15
Author: rainbow_romeo
Pairing: House/Chase
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM, implied and explicit sexual actions
Disclaimer: Not mine, blah
Summery: Dr. Robert Chase thinks that his private life is nobody's business but his own, he also thinks that he's not a masochist. As always House proves him wrong in the most
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Even if I saw only few episodes of Scrubs it seems to me that Cox's personality has a lot in common with House's so I can understand how difficult could be to work on his character. Actually it'll be fun to have these two interact and maybe have them compete for Chase :)
I've read some pretty, pretty bad stories, but in my opinion there's always a difference between someone just don't getting it and writing crap and someone getting it and trying to write it, but failing. I don't know, I'm paranoid. ^^ But well, I think I'm going with my House for now. =)
The only good thing of bad!fic are the mst!fic about some of them ^__^
Now, regarding your next fic, is it going to be a House/Chase one?
I love the friendship between House and Wilson but I can't see them as a couple; instead I love House and Chase's dynamics because their interaction reminds me of the magister/discipulus relationship we had in the ancient Greece and Rome and that's why they works for me as lovers or when they're involved in a father/son relationship :)
But I see where you're coming from, especially with the House/Wilson thing. It took me a long time and a few very good fics to like the pairing! House/Chase is still my favorite - it's very much like you said, I'm in love with the teacher/student concept so when I watched the first episode of House, the first thing I looked up was if there were any House/Chase fanfictions xD
I've got a thing for threesome stories with House/Wilson/Chase, which is how I got to reading House/Wilson stories. For some time I thought about turning "Chasing Dreams" into a threesome story, but I couldn't quite do it. If I get a good plot idea, I think I will write one some time after I'm finally finished here.^^
I too have a soft spot for H/W/Ch fics (as long as Chase isn't used just as a sex toy) and I like the threesome ones from the plot's author but my favourite one about this topic is whiteraven1606 :)
'Chasing dreams' is perfect with only House and Chase but I'd love to read a threesome written by you :)
Could you maybe give me a link to the "Four going to Forty" story? I'm not sure I know it, I often forget titles and remember stories by their summaries. ^^
When I woke up this morning I had the idea to let Chase have a kid (a mini!Chase so to speak xD) and run to Wilson for help, because he's running away from someone/something. Wilson's living with House and really wants to help Chase, so there's no way around Chase staying at House's. And well... ^^ I'm not sure yet, but I really feel like writing a threesome story and I'm scarily keen on writing a kid!fic... xD
(Oh and I've finished Chasing Dreams last night! Finally!)
And I spent last night thinking about the threesome idea (since I couldn't sleep anyway) and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with my first scene already, so I guess I'll be starting the fic today or tommorrow. I hope I'll be able to make it as long as Chasing Dreams, that story was my first longer-than-eight-pages-story in english ^^
Well written, good banter, characters IC, an unconventional OC and an adorable Chase :)
'my first longer-than-eight-pages-story in english'
and a pretty good one! I'm eager to read your next fic and I hope it'll be a long, very long one ^__^
So, have you ever beta-read something? ^^I'd love for you to beta my next story! I'm not sure if you ever said something about being a native speaker, but I don't care too much about that, I'm not a native speaker and I'm able to find pretty much every mistake in other people's stories.. (Also, I generally use a beta just to find out if I wrote something outrageously ridiculous and to talk about the story's progress ^^) Oh and you can say no if you don't want to, no pressure =) (But you'd be able to read before anyone else gets to! xD)
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