Jun 07, 2005 00:48
lately i have feeling like have distroied one of the greatest friendships i've ever had, and i regret it completly.
some times i just feel like i want to turn back time and pretend that nothing ever happened, so we could still be talking to each other not having this feeling of...
weridness between us.
i know i cant take it back, but i would love to, every time i go on this journal i always look for her jounral just to see how she is doing, or if she updated.
pathic i know, but i still do it and to be honest i dont know why i do. insted of just being on here reading my other friends jounrals i have to look for her's first. i know she hasnt updated in a while, but i would just like to know how she is.
how her trip went, how her parents are... grandparents...? how her friends are.
just things like that but i guess she's smart enought not to say anything about it why would she.
it just gets to think that some things in life you can never take back.
in other news, aj is really getting to me. just...
its hard to explain, he doesnt do the things i ask him to do,
i mean he's out of a job, so he wont find another one but he is "so called" trying to find another job so he says. its been about 2 months since he's had a one and i'm getting fed up with it, every day he stays home and does house work....
but never goes out and looks its not that hard to find one i know, but he doesnt...
that just gets on my nerves,
and every thing i ask him to do he doesnt do, he finally does it when i tell him in tears, then he gets up and does it. and wen we are watching tv and talking, TALKING to each other, w
hen i speak he just falls asleep on me, what a freaking butt hole! i love him do not get me wrong but i honestly can that i'm just getting to that point. it just pisses me off >.<
if he's not willing to change in some way then i'm sorry but i cant be with him anymore. grrr...
that just really gets to me. i know its not hard to find a job, i've found one. oh well... speaking of my job,
its ok being a pharm tech isnt really all that bad, i get experiance in doing it.
its just those days where its super busy and you cant do anything about it, oh and those days where you just get people who are nagging, and nagging about everything, i hate that part of my day, but oh a lighter side, i do love the people i'm working with,
i have made two really good friends there, Ly, and Jess. its funny cause we get things done and fast, faster than any shift... lol. they crack me up.
i just fixed my computer last night, it had a crap load of viruses, and spyware. but i distroyed those suckers with an aniti spyware, and aniti viruse program i have. so ha on them!
now it is running much faster, i love it!lol
oh yea i do have to go to the dentist on wes. hopefully i do not have any cavities yikes. i hate the drill i've only had it once in my life and i hated it with a passion! and on tues on next week i'm going to my normal doctor, she needs to fill out some paper work from school and i want to asker her about allergies.
but other than that ok.
you know for not being in school i do have alot of drama going on in my life, with missing people, aj being an ass, and work with my friends. i think its rather funny that i have so much going on in my life, yet so little...