Apr 30, 2012 22:39
Thats what I am
My children even though they argue non stop are amazing!!!
I don't know how I ever got so lucky to have 4 amazingly beautiful children that I get to care for!!! :)
Homeschooling is amazing. I wouldn't want our life any other way. i hated when the kids were in school. I enjoy having my children with me (of course I love breaks too!!!) but really They are MY children shouldn't I be the one to teach them?! We aren't really going to take off during the summer. There is little point. We don't do full days as it is so we really need to keep going. Plus there is so much fun stuff to do, why would we want to stop?! Our co-ops are over in the next few weeks and I will really miss them!!! I thrive on connecting with other mamas!!! The kids get out and socialize and its just great. This summer I want to spend lots of time reading outside, at the beach, at busch gardens, and just learning!! I also am going to order caterpillars so we can watch those! fun!
The Australian stuff is coming along. Slowly but surely. We will get there eventually. I'm starting to get excited. I mean how many people get to live in Australia?!? This is going to be good for us. We've been researching the animals there for a project Logan is doing and its so so cool!!! The have the neatest animals! i jsut cannot wait for the kids to see a real kangaroo!!!
the weightloss is going sloooooooooow. but I'm trying to remain positive. I CAN AND WILL Do this!!! I've been juicing and eating more raw foods. Trying to get the kids away from CANDY!! Thats hard!!! They don't really eat a lot but thats what they like to buy with their allowence.
Anyway Logan is bugging me to cut his hair and its almost 11pm! So I'd better hurry up. Phoenix and Indigo are playing monopoly with Ed. Have I mentioned how blessed I am?!?!?
Oh! I was able to bless a friend today and that felt SO GOOD!!! :)