Last night called the police on a possible break-in and assault in No. 22, saw the guy kick the balcony door in. Then heard screaming of the feminine nature and breaking glass. The guy was saying something needing to talk to his girlfriend, I dont know. He was taken away by the police.
Tonight Sam is having an argy-bargy with his lady friend again! He knows what she is like when they drink and the idiot keeps inviting back over.This isnt the first time this has happened, everytime he has her over it ends up in an argy-bargy.. She demolished the wooden table in the communial area, it hit the wall and bounced off our door twice. I wasnt gonna take it, so I opened the door, and the bitch said what do you want? I said excuse me that hit my door, and all she could say was fuck you. So I replied fine I am gonna call the police to which
salith was already on the phone too. I know I shouldnt have gone out there but I was pissed of. So I come back in and I was shaking, not as bad as last time. I know because Salith was here.
Seem like everywhere we move we get asshole neighbours.
I tell ya this shit isnt helping mine or
salith's stress levels or depression or my anxiety issues. ALl this does is make want to stay inside the house and never go out. Makes it worse.