☂ 032 omgomgomg

Jun 12, 2009 15:19

★ Requests are Closed
16/30 spots taken
You make me sooo happaaay. <33 Thanks so much for 100+ watchers! ♥ That means a lot to me! So guess what? It's request time!
I'll take requests for the first 30 people lol is that too much?:|
Anyway. You might want to reserve but Come back with your image
within the next 48 hours otherwhise I'll give your spot away.
About manga coloring (is anyone ven interested in my manga coloring?xD /fails) I'll do it.
Just remember that manga coloring takes a lot more effort so you can only request for one manga coloring.
You can still give me 2 other pics though!
Up to 3 images pro person. 1 Manga coloring and two others or 3 'normal' pics.
And.. and please put your favorite color in your subject line so that I know you actually read the rules.

Fill this out

Image: 01.02.03.
Color Reference:01.
Series: I'm just c-curious
Anything else?:



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