CHALLENGE #15 We are back! So glad I'm finally writing this. I've missed you all so much! For this comeback challenge I decided to give you less restriction and to give a general theme, since it's almost Christmas -and Christmas means WINTER- I decided that this week's task is to create 5 icons with any pallette (aka you choose one) that in your opinion properly represent 'winter'.
•Sign up with a fandom of your liking, using this form: username: /use lj code/ fandom: /you can claim E V E R Y T H I N G/
•Rules: when you post your icons → tag with your username, the number of the current challenge & the fandom of your icons(ex. #inalandofgods, challenge 15, once upon a time). Put three icons in the post as a preview and post the table with all the icons, under the cut. To post you can use this code, which includes a colour bar above each icon:">">">">">
past the link @ the palette here (link to the site, picture, your choice)