Jul 30, 2007 23:29
this is embarrising.
i'm sorry - no, i take that back, i'm not sorry - but what kind of an IDIOT leaves their child or their pet alone in a hot car?!?! and you'd think that after hearing about children DYING from being left in cars you'd think that people would not do that. and yet - there continues to be needless death.
i suppose that those parents are stupid, lack sense, and don't pay attention to the news.
perhaps an instruction book should be sent when people have a baby. but then again, the idiots are the least likely to learn, and to care to try to learn how to be the best parent. the uneducated & stupid don't educate themselves & don't want to be. the already educated do what they can to educate themselves more b'c they care about what kind of parent they are.
what breaks my heart about children dying from parent neglect is that the children are innocent and didn't deserve to die. the parents need to suffer. perhaps its a blessing that the children won't have to spend the rest of their lives putting up with neglectful & stupid parents. or perhaps its a blessing b'c the children would've turned out stupid too and would bring down the quality of the human gene pool. seems like uneducated people breed more often - such a shame. anyone seen the movie idiocracy? kinda dumb movie, but the concept was interesting: that uneduc ppl were breeding so fast that eventually the educ ppl died out. god i hope that doesn't happen to us! anyway, ppl that neglect their children don't deserve to be parents. perhaps i sound a bit harsh and unforgiving, but come on, kids are DYING!!!