Mar 05, 2006 11:42
It`s been too long since I`ve updated. Whoa.
During that time...I think my mom came home, and then left again.
And ... she`s coming back tonight.
Late, as usual. But it`s okay.
I have to clean a but & I`m hanging with Katie =)
..Dude, does Livejournal automatically save what I`m writing now?
THAT`S SO AWESOME. It's like every 30 seconds..autosaved draft. <3 Haha. Gooo Livejournal.
I love it when I look over to check the time,
and Jack is laying on his back, paws up. =) Cute.
I`m feeling very stress-free lately.
School isn`t bothering me as much, and it`s just good.
Mental-state. That's good. hahaha. not crazy, not ouuttttta control.
Not depressed. Not unhappy.
Happiness kicks depression's ass all the way to effing China.
..I wonder if people in China ever say, I'LL KICK YOU TO THE US, OR ENGLANDDDD!
haha. What a hoot that would be.
Parking spot at school. Now that's totally rockin`
Except I still have to walk like a MILE from the spot to the school.
So I get my exercise. =) Sweet.
The only thing that`s a big issue on my mind lately,
is getting a job.
I really should, and since I'm doing okay in school...
I think it`d okay for me to get one.
We`ll see.
Love to all.
And I hope all is going well.
PS Hit me up with comments and tell me what`s goin on.