Holy shit,
is Casshern smiling? I think he might have smiled before, but I'm sure that was just to crush him later on with another emotionally trying death.
I've been reading Asklepios. It is thoroughly mediocre at best, but it's a surgeon manga. I couldn't help myself. I read it for the main character's procedures, half of which are lolwut and half of which are just straight-up wrong. I mean, he performs life-saving surgery using only a pair of glasses. It's as if he's a medical Macguyver of medieval times.
I also read it for the random medical tidbits within. Did you know that India is the birthplace of rhinoplasty? I didn't, but now I do! And now, I've been trying to find articles on Italian arm rhinoplasty just to see if it's really as crazy as the manga made it out to be.
But more importantly, where else am I going to see the term "pronator teres" used in popular culture? Those months of anatomy are going to make themselves useful, dammit.
Finished Spice and Wolf last night. A decent watch, though not really spectacular. In the end, I got an education in the politics of currency exchange and an intense desire to pet Horo's ears.
Am enjoying Reborn more than I have in a long time. It's as if Amano realized that serious fase powerlevels and Pokémon animal box weapons were retarded...and so decided to spam them to the point of ridiculousness. I mean...a transport pelican, a shark in the forest, flying elephants, a mink with tiny bangs and a tiny crown, bats, a FAAAABULOUS peacock, and a liger called "Bester"? Infighting, pettiness, and complete incompetence as Squalo breaks from battle in order to find meat for Xanxus who's randomly chilling somewhere on an EZ-boy? Fuck yeah, Varia, you are the best mafiosi ever! \o/ Now, Dino, Basil, and Tsuna's dad need to show up, and I'll be happy.