politics is classic American theatre

Oct 03, 2008 11:40

I think that many of us who tuned in to the VP debate last night wanted to be entertained with a trainwreck. We wanted to watch Biden somehow shoot himself in the face with a huge gaffe, while Palin does her Couric schtick. Instead, we got a decent debate. Rather, a decent "debate". Biden was forceful and aggressive, Palin was homesy and measured. Personally, I prefered Biden's style of debating over Palin's, but lol personal opinion. I want to hear confidence, and I want to hear you sound presidential. Palin, I felt, didn't do so hot on the second criteria. Giving a shout-out to third-graders? Cute, but no. To me, she came off motherly, which is great and all, but I want a decisive president in times of crisis, not one that I imagine wanting to feed me chicken soup when I have a boo-boo. Both VP candidates dodged questions left and right, but I thought that Palin took it to an extraordinary level. Oh well. Still was a decent watch, despite it lacking McCain-vs.-Obama's level of Russia-bashing. Didja know that Russia is a KGB oligarchy with a non-existent electorate and hell-bent on recapturing the glory of its former Empire (lol Romanovs)? But thankfully, the League of Democracies will stop this evil, criminal scum! (Overexaggerating a bit (only a bit), but damn, the McCain-Obama debate was lulzy.)

Overall, I found the debate largely uninformative and filled with talking points galore. I guess this is what happens when you've spent the past four years as a bored college student with too much time on her hands. You read up on a lot of news that way. Also Wikipedia. So much aimless wiki'ing done during college.

At least it gave me something to do while washing dishes.

By the way, waffles are win. Even the frozen ones. 95% of my diet this week has been waffles and chili. Oh, and I'm throwing my opinion about this immortal question out here: Waffles >> pancakes. A french press was at the top of my kitchen appliance WANT list, and I got that a while back. I don't know what's next on my list. Panini grill, food processor, or waffle iron? Oh, delicious fresh waffles...

Fandom mutterings:
- G00 is starting up again on Sunday. I decided to re-watch the OPs and EDs. ED2 is still the most hilariously emo thing I have ever watched. You think it's just a nice picnic on the beach, and then, out of nowhere, BAM! Suddenly angst. But it makes up for it with delicious Setsuna chest. Om nom nom. Btw, post-timeskip Setsuna is pretty hot. (Btw #2, timeskips are still fucking lame, Sunrise.)
- There was a SuzaEuphie thread on /a/ last night with decent discussion for once. It made me wibble all over again.
Apparently I still have a not-insignificant part of me that wishes (against all tenets of good storytelling and complete characterization) that Suzaku would've died. All throughout the first season, I joked that a rule of Geass is that "the world shits on Suzaku". If he can't finish school like Euphie asked (for the both of them), at least let him go to Jupiter, sheesh. Really, I'm just a stupid fanbrat who wanted all the characters to come out with GOOD END. I feel silly for wanting one of my favorite characters to be assassinated somewhere along the line, but I do. Choosing death would be cowardly, but damn. How depressing it must be to see your life as punishment, in no small part? Bah. Obviously still too much empathy.
- Speaking of which, tried making sense of Suzaku in this final arc. Have a translation quibble. In the ZR flashback, Lelouch refers to the next stage of their plan. Eclipse and Nightspeed has it as "as promised". GG has it as "like we agreed". A minor difference but (I feel) an important one, as a promise and an agreement are very differentially emotionally charged, and it says something about chronology and motivation in the missing month. I'm sure we'll get a PD about this or something, but I'm impatient.
- Still need to watch the first ep of Heroes. Still need to get started on Pushing Daisies. And also maybe Chuck.

real life, politics, gundam 00, code geass, fandom, food

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