Nov 15, 2006 18:43
So, no one really updates anymore. Except me....haha
Because, you know, i have absolutly no life, and ya! haha
So, omg, somethings that I hate:
###1) when headphones go retarded and only 1 ear works. I found out today that that is the most annoying thing that can happen. haha
###2) When ppl write anonymous comments on your shoutbox, mainly hate stuff, like i look at what some people write on others' and its like, wow, so first you're too cowardly to sign your name, second, you need to make it all public, like why not just talk to them in person, or at least on MSN , and third, its just mean, its not even real things, it has no personal thing, so ppl say like the meanest things ever. Like does no one consider ppls feelings just because its over a computer and they won't see their reactions when they read it. Yes, I admit i have left anonymous comments once or twice, maybe to avoid dumb shit, or cuz something was bugging the shit out of me, but i can honestly say, that I have never left anyone hate messages, b/c i'm just not like that. Like, please people just at least, at the very least, leave your name, b/c if thats the way you truly feel, the person should know it, and know who said it.
###3) Girls being bitches. Like, after hanging out with guys most of the time, i saw that girls are just bitchy, like yea, its in our nature, and we're almost aloud, its just what we do, but then, some girls just go wayy overboard with all of it. and
###4) When no one updates livejournal but me, and i feel dumb! tehe!
Anyways, thats about it i guess...haha, what are things u guys hate? its always easier to tell ppl i guess, it avoids so many conflicts! haha