{Things I forgot at birth}

Oct 05, 2006 17:55

Hi. I just watched 4x02 of One Tree Hill.

Well I didn't exactly *love* this episode, but it had some really great scenes. ^^
And now into the real episode commentary:

First thing I noticed: Wtf, Nathan slept on the bridge? How could he fall sleep there? *shakes head*
And the first scene of Lucas and Peyton kinda pissed me off. He's all "give me your hand" and then says he's gonna get Brooke back? I felt sorry for Peyton, although in the rest of the episode I felt even more sorry for Brooke.
Poor Brooke. Peyton and Lucas planned that stuff for her birthday and in the end, when she doesn't show up, none of them even cares to just voicemail her or something, wishing her a happy birthday? =S Plus, Haley. Wasn't Brooke already 18 when she went to talk to Haley at the cafe? I was hoping that when Brooke was leaving she'd say something about it. :)
Ok, and because I *have* to mention it: that same scene of the cafe... Left it all kind of obvious. Last episode I said that the pregnancy thing was not clear when it came to knowing if either it was Brooke or Haley the pregnant one. And now, in this episode, I just said "they are totally both pregnant, LOL." 'Cause duhr, first Haley asks Brooke if last year she and Lucas ever talked about the possibility of a baby, and then Brooke asks her if she and Nathan ever talked about it too.
=P Oh, and when Haley went to Karen's and she completely started babbling about being pregnant, LOL. It was such a fun.
Erm, what else... Deb! Omg! What is wrong with that woman?! She's possessed, lmao.
oh, and about Skillz... meh, he showed up too many times in my opinion... I mean, I like him a lot, but I dunno if he really should be a regular... I think most people prefered when he was the Bevan boy. They're so funny together ^^
Where was Mouth? Me wants to see him! xD See, this is the problem. They had to try and fit all the main characters in the episode, but duh, of course they couldn't. So many. -_-
And urgh, too much Leyton. Didn't like it.
I thought Dan was pretty cool, though. I always wanted him to be with Karen, 'cause I believe he's actually nice. And the thing he made for Karen's baby was really sweet. :)
Btw, what is up with people mistaking Nathan with Cooper? Nathan's skinnier and taller and... prettier? =D?

Finally on the last character: Rachel. One word for her: Ew.
Daneel's voice annoys me! :x
And even though I know Nathan will kick her (even if it's just mentally :p), it just sucks.

So, favourite scenes: I *loved* when Skillz called Peyton "homewrecker". It was really funny, hehe. AND when Lucas kept saying he did not cry like a school girl. Also cool when Deb called that woman a fatass. xD Joy looked totally cute in that scene, btw. =)

P.s: I carry hate for Chad's hair lately. >.<

one tree hill

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