Since it has been forever since I is an update.
I went to Austin! it was great. I didn't want to come back to Virginia. Well, other than to see my kitties. We stayed with Abbe. Didn't do anything really exciting sounding, but being in Austin was exciting enough for me. The first day we were there Andy was violently ill in Amaya's bathroom. It's too bad really, because he didn't get to try their food. It was awesome! yum yum. So Andy was miserable the first 24 hours of our trip. however, he felt better and then we had fun. It was great to see Alma and the girls. Patience is so big! It is craziness. Hannah didn't remember me, but I knew she wouldn't. She is cute as a button though. I did Abbe's hair, and hopefully she still likes that. I ran out of time, or I would have done Alma's too. I got a sweet ass tattoo from Zach. It is lovely. Right now it is itching like a bitch, but it is healing fast. Here is a link to a picture of it¤t=patiencesitetrad.jpgSo Austin was good, and Andy liked it. Yay!
We are doing all sorts of stuff to the condo still. We have all the flooring ripped up because we are putting down all new floors. We need to paint first though. I really hate painting, but I need to stop putting it off. i really hate that me and Andy don't have the same days off. It makes it hard to do home stuff because we have to do it alone, and that is just really not appealing to me. It goes faster when we work together anyway. So I really want to get on this so we can have a real estate agent check out the place and let us know what we could expect to sell for. Hopefully a lot so we can move to Austin sooner.
I have to leave for work soon and I reallllllllllllllly don't want to! I was actually supposed to go to a class today, but I completely forgot. Now I'm bummed because I would have rather sat through a few hours of boring class stuff than work tonight. Oh well, making money is a good thing. Although it has been really slow lately. So I have mostly been sitting around, and that just makes the day drag on and on. I guess I should go get ready now though:-(