Apr 02, 2004 11:01
my dad is a psycho. i know he really cares about me and knows i'm a good pitcher and is just disappointed in me, but he really just needs to relax. so i did bad at my first game. it was probably my worst performance ever. my change-up wasnt working, and thats like the pitch i live off of cause i don't really have much speed. so they were hitting balls everywhere, some were base hits, some were errors which didnt help the situation. so.....yeah. i was already increidibly frustrated with myself. my dad comes home that night, tells me a did a fantastic job, and so on while i'm sitting here thinking, what the hell... so then the next night is when the anger comes. he starts yelling to me about how i didn't warm-up properly and i just laughed everything off and how i didnt have a good attitude like i wanted to kick ass, etc. maybe i didnt warm up sufficiently, but its not totally my fault. i asked the coach if my dad could warm me up and he said no, that the other catcher would. i didnt want to argue with my coach, i didnt think that was right, so i said alright. wellll, this wasnt alrgiht with the bobster. so anyways...he got really mad that night, which was wednesday. ok so the next day he starts to really go psycho. i came home from practice, he wanted me to pitch, i was tired, blegh. but i said i would do it b/c i needed to. no argument. but he turns it into an argument, still yelling about tuesday and how i didnt really give a shit and i could just quite if i wanted to. he always does that. when he gets mad, he just starts saying "well, i dont care if you quit, just quit". and its just the stupidest thing to say. i dont want to fucking quit! ahhhhh but anyways so i go to pitch after some yelling and so on and i was working hard and got my rise ball pretty down, its just a bit high. oh yeah, thats another thing he was mad about, that i didnt throw any rise balls and i was too timid. yes, i was timid. i felt vulnerable already without my changeup on, and i didnt want to risk anythingh by throwing the rise ball b/c that is a tough pitch and i wasnt sure if it would work. so yeah, i go practice for like half hour after a 3 hour long practice already, so i get tired after 30 mins and sick of it, so i want to leave. on the way home he yells at me b/c he says i should have thrown for another hour! im jst like what the hell, i have people coming over tonight, i dont need to throw for an hour. half an hour is plenty. i worked my butt off, trying my best, we dont need to go on overkill here! aghhhhhh. so yes. this is why my father is a psycho. it's softball. it's just a game. game=meant to be enjoyable. i know there is hard work to get good and therefore have fun, but you seriously need to balance it out with the rest of your life and not go insane over it. such as my father is. ok im done blabbing about that...
the high school coach is a dumbshit. i was seriosuly considering quitting last night b/c it was so bad. not only that, but our team is pretty bad also. its just all really frustrating. after being with the aces, who rocks the house down and i love those girls, i am now with a bunch of blue valley fuckheads who i dont like in the first place. why should i play a sport with a bunch of people i dont really like, dont really know, dont really care to know or like. i just want to play with the aces. the coach doesnt know much about running a softball team. he doesnt teach us anything. we just go through the motions and he occasionally gives some pointers, but they really arent worthwhile. then he puts people in the wrong spot and he just really doesnt know wat hes doing. last night at practice was ridiculous. we just really suck. and i was really frusterated with everything. yeah, last night was not a good night. until my friends came over, and then it made it all better.
but im done writing and you dont want to hear all about last night cause if you werent there, it wont matter to you, and if you were there, then you know it already. so there ya gooo.
id like to leave you with this