Friday - not much really went on i walked into town and the wind nearly blow me into the road lol looked around town 4 a bit and then met up with jason came back 2 mine and chilled for the rest of the evening was quite a nice evening and i ended up doing a kinda sweadish massage on jay ( kinda meaning i couldent do it propally due 2 arm) still full of cold too so we ended up having an early night .
Saturday - hmmm very dull and boring 2 be honest most of time was spent in bed jay didnt sleep well as i had taken the pillows lol ( tho he should of just taken them when i was sleeping) got up and jay went to get dressed and the pair of jeans my mum had washed ( the die had run from te jeans and now looks uneven) so he got in a strop! ( prob from lack of sleep 2 ) but it wernt my fault at the end of the day! jay ended up putting his things in a bag saying i should take my clothes home in future ( tho i should add since hes gone home hes left everything here) and then he sat on my bed with his hand on his eye 4 like 20 mins the max and i thought how pathetic! and asked if he was ok he said im just tired and i thought yeah u pissed off 2 i offered 2 pay 4 some new 1s but he said no ( but as im not sure on his jean size so i might buy him a jumper instead on friday if theres any nice ones ) so after a few mins he lied down i said for gwad sake go back 2 bed so he did! and told me 2 put a dvd on and get back into bed so i did ( as i wasnt feeling 2 well ) and he was cuddleing me and kissing me ( i think that was his way of saying sorry ) but after all that cormotion he was fine with me so he might of just been tired the evening went well and i felt a lot happyer and so did jay he had been dozeing kinda, he showed me his new ipod and i was playing with all the games lol we had a discussion on what we r gonna wear 2 katies 21st b day party! he might go as the mask or scooby doo lol gawd knows what im going as !! after that we went 2 bed feeling happyer :) so after all that "weirdness "everything went well
Sunday - well jay went home around 11ish we dropped him off at the station to go back home for mothers day as he was taking his mum nan and dad out ( jays treat) which i thinks real cute ( they have gone for a curry) yuck!! no doubt they will be farting all night! lol ugh! i brought mum some posh bubble bath as she was complaning she didnt have any when she opened it she didnt look 2 impressed well thanks 4 that mum i wont get u anything in future i mean why do i bother! shes so ungr8ful! she complanes wen i dont and she complanes when i do so wot can i do! nothing! all i got was a smurk hmmmmm well the rest of the day im gonna chill ! no doubt i will be stressed up 2morrow as i have a meeting with the bitch from tuesday which im not looking forward 2 feeling a lot better 2day tho
may update later if not take care all loads of love xxx