Sep 21, 2009 00:22
I like you. I wish you'd see that. Not even in a bad way. Not...that isn't what I meant. Not a bad way. But not in a complicated way. I like spending time with you, I like the part of you I got to see. I'm not a dangerous person. I wish you'd let me in. I want to show you that there is somebody there for you. You aren't alone. And I like you for you.
I think I'm pretty on top of things for school this year. I hope so, anyway. Managerial Accounting is going to make me hate my life, along with ethics, but my other courses are doable. Having a cute work-buddy is pretty alright, too. Oddly enough, I actually do assignments then.
I like talking to you. Even if it's just getting to know you stuff. I think I like getting to know people. I'm awkward as hell when you first meet me, especially when I'm around certain people, but I like it when people talk to me. And tell me about themselves. I think I'm the shyest people person I know.
My life is consisting of one big happiness right now.
I'm kind of frustrated you won't just grow up and give me back what's mine.
But I'm not going to let it bother me.
I'll ask you in person, and you'll think I'm bugging you for it. But you're being childish about this.
I'm glad I missed this side of you.
Because I don't like it.
This isn't who you wanted to be.
This isn't who you are.
But this entry isn't about you.
It's about me.
And being happy.
So gfys. Haha.
I'm at a good point in my life.