So here it is! My FANGIRLING post!
I put this separate from more other posts because what I'm about to document is often frowned upon in the regular communities, but since it's my private LJ, I can remember it in all it's glory.
So, as I'll write about when I get to Day Two,
amefurift and I had uchiwas made which we used during the concert.
She had the best idea, so I asked her if I could copy it.
(My idea would have worked if I'd made it back in NYC because it was rather extensive in terms of what I wanted on the uchiwa.)
So her's looked like this, front and back:
I ended up copying her idea for mine as well (which, as you'll learn, was a very good thing)
As i mentioned in the other posts, we were very close to Arashi numerous times, but they never once looked in our direction!
Now I thought, as the tallest person there, that I'd be fairly hard to miss, but I guess even a gajin in a sea of Japanese faces can be overlooked.
Until the First Encore!
It was during "The Fight Song." As I mentioned in my con report, the boys were on the moving platform stages, starting at each end of the center back stage, and then the two pieces came to the center, in front of the stands, making their way around the arena seats. .At one point during the song, both Jun and Ohno were on the platforms in our area. I'd been trying to get their attention for the longest time, and I knew, with both our ichibans on the stage that this was the moment and I had to try something new.
This time, instead of just waving my uchiwa and waving at them, I pointed.
It was "an act of desperation."
Actually, it was an attempt to try something new. Basically, I pointed at Jun (because at the time, he was facing our section while Ohno was facing the stands) and then pointed at my uchiwa, which I had turned to "NY ♥ 嵐" (beside me,
amefurift had hers turned to "NY ♥ 潤" I kept trying to get Jun to notice the uchiwa so that he'd know where we were from. The spotlight was at his back, so it was in our faces as we looked up at him, but being tall I could still see him quite clearly.
Which is why I saw him notice my uchiwa, smirk the most adorable smile ever, and then point at me.
Jun pointed at me! A few moments later, he was waving next to me, and I knew he was acknowledging
amefurift as well. I excitedly turned to her and shouted, "Oh my God, he pointed at me!" and I thought for sure that she would reply that she'd seen his wave. Unfortunately, because she was shorter, all she saw was his silhouette. The spotlight was in her eyes.
so she never saw him. However, she did tell me later that a bunch of Japanese girls who were standing in front of us turned around an looked back. I'm guessing that they were wondering who was Jun pointing at.
And then, it gets much better!!!
Again, later
amefurift would note that she thought when Jun and Ohno switched places that he appeared to say something to Rida. I'd already flipped my sign over so that it was the correct side, "NY ♥ 智" and employed the same tactic. I pointed up at Ohno, and then I pointed at my uchiwa.
And I received my second smirk and point of the evening.
It was... beyond amazing. He had the same mischievous boy smirk on his face and looked straight at me when he pointed. So maybe Jun pointed us out to him so that he could see us with his own eyes.
I was so happy I could float away. It had been disappointing, every time one of the boys would come near where we were standing and not look in our direction
Nevertheless, I'm glad that in the end, we got our own personal fanservice..
EDIT: I forgot to note this, but there was one very odd thing that both
amefurift and I noticed when we were in the venue.
We'd basically built ourselves up into a near frenzy as the concert began, enjoying the first entrance of Arashi in "all their glory." But as the concert progressed, both of us began to lose tension.
The audience (at least in the arena where we were sititng) kinda died on us. What I mean is, as each successive song was sung, the energy seemed to sap and even though both
amefurift and I were screaming and getting all excited, the lack of equal enthusiasm from the Japanese fangirls next to us was litterally sapping our strength.
We didn't want to say anything to the other at first but we both ended up admitting that although the concert was amazing and we loved the boys, it didn't feel like it met our expectations of non-stop energy throughout the concert. In every other concert both of us had gone to, the energy level kept rising until it came to a rousing crescendo in the end, but the Arashi concert seemed to be too subdued in many of the songs.
We were told by friends later that it probably was just the area where we were sitting, because the stands were constantly crazy, and since they'd only ever had stand tickets themselves, they could verify the excitement pitch found there.
Nevertheless, it was odd,