You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 20% Of The Time
You experience the ups and downs of life, yet you maintain a positive outlook throughout. You definitely do have a place in the world. There are times when you struggle, yet you persevere. Good going.
Do You Have a Place in This World?Create Your Own Quiz Asian
[] Math is your best subject
[X] You love technology and can't live w/o it
[] You are short
[X] You own a calculator
[] You like to wear flip flops
[] You have nice car(s)
[X]You dont like to play sports
[] You like karaoke
[X] You luv chinese food
[] You understand em yeu anh or wo ai ni or ngo ai ni or mahal kita
[] You like to drink Kool-Aid
[] You love chicken
[] You like to play basketball or football
[]u go to AJ Wright or Marshalls to get your clothes
[] You like to wear hats
[] You hate school
[] You wear baggy pants
[]You like to listen to Rap and R&B
[X]You're always broke
[]You say bitch after 85% of your words
[X]u love hot sauce
[] Soccer is your sport
[] You like sneaking into places
[X]You love rice
[] You always take your time
[X] You love soda
[] Shorts are better
[] You wear tight pants
[] You instigate in fights
[X] You understand this: "Mira muchacho el diablo
[] You Like Batchata Merengue y Reggaeton
[] You play hockey as a sport
[x] You get your clothes at Abercrombie
[x] You always have money
[X] You listen to rock
[X] You cant jump
[X] You're scared of saying the "n" word
[] You never like to wear pants
[X]You love school
[x] You own a pair of DC's/Etnies/Vans
[] you like to watch Laguna beach
Now count up the x's in each category and multiply it by 10 and post as "I am % ASIAN / % BLACK / % LATINO / % WHITE
DJON:: I am 40% Asian, 20% black, 20% Latino and 79% white