Cruising . . .

Mar 21, 2010 02:13

One thing I really like to do is explore the world via Google Maps and Streetview. I can get lost in some distant city(Raleigh, Middlesbrough, Sheboygan)and I just wonder what life is like there. What are the people like. What is the community like. Can you get good loose leaf tea or do you need to mail order. I often feel a malaise in strange places like these. It might be nice passing through, but I fear that if I were to pay too much time to this, I would loose my freedom, or I might ruin the delicate balance of the ecosystem here by being present, or find that I don't fit in anywhere and simply exist as an outside observer of this so well balanced society.

I have come to believe that in order to ease this feeling of unease, I would need to become one with the people there. I'd have to go beyond being an observer and become a fixture upon which this ecosystem rests. That's an odd idea for me, as I've never quite felt attached to a community of people.
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