May 31, 2004 23:04
Just got back from Starbucks. I went with Karine to work on some DBQ's for Mrs.Bayha and then I went to Rio's Pizza and I picked up some pizza for Karine and I to Eat. The Funny thing is when I was starting to eat the pizza I burned my tongue and then Sonny, who by the way was there at Starbucks, tells me as he was leaving, " See God is punishing you." At first when he said that I got mad inside, but then later and even now that I think about I should just get over it. Plus he could have been joking but that's highly unlikely. This weekend was pretty interesting.
Friday didn't got to school, went to the mall with ant, then went to work and then went to the band banquet. I had so much fun there. I got to be with all my close friends seeing how they are all in band. Its amazing how I look back now on the years of high school. Freshman year I was just a drifter, not to sure what to expect not to sure where I was going. Sophomore year was a bit different I was mischief's that year it was a wonder how I made it through that year of school but it was a great year. Junior year was great. This Senior year was a year of conflict, have lost many people this year who I thought were my friends but turns out they weren't my friends to begin with. Well, its to bad but yet at the same time that's the way life works. You lose and gain.
Well, back to my weekend Saturday went to the Renaissance Fair that was pretty fun I bought a pretty cool necklace. Sunday tried to get into club which I got into but didn't get it because Celina didn't have her ID which was okay we still had fun. I saw this movie today with Talya and Anthony and it was really interesting. It was called Harold and Maude. Very weird movie but now that I think about it, it was a very beautiful movie and I can see how Tayla loves that movie. So that was my weekend.
I go Through so many emotions a day its not even funny. I think that I am going to try to keep my composer tomorrow so that way I can be at one with myself. I want to be in control, I don't want my emotions to be in control of me. yeah I know that sounds like some self help book. It probably is in one. I could probably write one.
Well, at school tomorrow I got things to do. One thing for sure is I am going to talk to Abe and see if I can hang out with him sometime soon because I think that he is this amazing being and he seems like he has more of his story to tell me. The next thing is I am going to try to talk to Priscilla maybe if I can gain the courage to do it. Hopefully she wont try to slap me. there is more I need to do, but I will write it all down later.
Well, I got to go I am sure my brother is harboring over my shoulder dying to use the computer. Thanks for reading my madness.
PAIN has an element of blank;
It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there were
A day when it was not.
It has no future but itself,
Its infinite realms contain
Its past, enlightened to perceive
New periods of pain.
-Emily Dickinson