argh im crap

Sep 13, 2006 13:41

i'm soooo ill. have started my first week working in cardiff instead of commuting to bridgend and thought they would presume i was taking the piss if i phoned in sick so have worked my full seven days being poorly sick - they all think my voice is usually croaky and sweaky and are probably wondering how the hell i got a job answering 999 calls. anyways, my first day off today and i am dying - everything hurts. so i was going to get some paracetamol and juice from the shop to make myself feel more human but robyn has left a 'present' of a dead sparrow on the doormat - aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

so have shut myself upstairs until neil comes home to resolve the situation.

i can't cope with her bringing birds in - so far she has brought in three dead birds and neil has removed them all - i solved the problem by putting a big bell around her neck but she has managed to get rid of it!

last week i was sat nicely in the living room whilst neil was in work and i heard this god awful noise - i saw she had something and screamed - she dropped it and it started flying round the living room. im pretty damn scared of birds. i was screaming and screaming and had to lock myself in the bedroom and phone neil to get him come home and save me and the bird.

thankfully the birdie was uninjured - just very scared and after trying to coax him from under the sofa and out of the house for half an hour - he went

come home soon neil, im thirsty....
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