Title: Secret Admirers
Pairing: Junjuns [Junbrothers]
Rating: G
Summary: Junsu likes Junho. But Junho's straight, dating a girl named MinHee. I fail at writing summaries so just the hell with it. If you're interested just read.
A/N: Sowwy for zhe really late update >< Exams sneaked up on meh D:
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 ‘Surprise!’
Junho smiled a lazy smile, looking a little bit tired.
‘Thanks, you all…’ He said, making his way through all the people that had appeared.
It was surprising how much people the living room actually could contain.
His eyes searched in front of him, looking for his girlfriend, but Taecyeon interrupted his thoughts.
‘Come on! We have cake! Blow the candles!’
Junho nodded with hesitation, one eye still searching for MinHee.
His eyes found Junsu instead, holding an enormous cake.
The candles gave his skin a little golden glow and his eyes had a sparkle in them, a sparkle he hadn’t seen in a long time.
‘Happy birthday…’ He said.
He heard some mumbling, but before Junho could pay attention to it, Changmin started chanting ‘Blow the candles! Blow the candles!’
Other people joined in.
Nichkhun, Wooyoung and Junsu only looked at him expectantly, so he took a deep breath.
He hesitated, then blew all the candles in one blow.
Smoke curled up to the ceiling and in Junsu’s face, causing him to cough.
A small, cute cough though.
Changmin took over the cake, while Junho pulled Junsu along to the kitchen, forcing to drink some water.
The other Junbro kept silent, while sipping his glass of water.
Junho sighed. ‘Is something wrong? You seemed so… moody the last couple of weeks…’
Junsu shrugged. ‘It’s nothing.’ He said pushing Junho back to the living room.
Junho was about to stop in his tracks, pull Junsu back to the kitchen, push him down in a chair and force him to talk, but seeing two people taped behind the front door made him decide to do that later.
He would forget about his plans later, but that didn’t matter.
The giant monkey turned his way.
‘Did you tape MinHee and Chansung behind the door?’
‘Release them.’
‘Ehrm… Nope.’
Junho sighed. ‘Let me trough.’
‘I hate you.’
‘Thank you.’
Junsu closed the kitchen door behind his friend, banning out the music from the other room.
He suddenly didn’t feel like partying anymore. Instead, he just started preparing the snacks. Taecyeon ordered him to do that, so he even had a reason to stay back.
It was like Taecyeon had predicted this kind of scenario. But as long as this predicting thing wasn’t going to become a habit, he was fine with it.
The door opened and Taecyeon came walking in, a big grin on his face. He immediately made his way to the freezer, pulling out an icepack and holding it to his head.
‘They hit you, didn’t they?’ Junsu asked.
Taecyeon nodded, watching Junsu working.
‘You know, you could’ve expected it for your prank.’
Taecyeon shrugged. ‘It was worth it. You’re alright in here?’
Junsu looked up, almost cutting his finger. ‘Yeah, why?’
‘Just wondering…’ The tall man said mysteriously.
Junsu sighed, paying attention to the food again. ‘If you’re not going to help, then just get out. You’re distracting me. I don’t want to cut my finger.’
Taecyeon stuck his tongue out to his hyung and walked away from the kitchen, leaving Junsu alone again.
Junsu just enjoyed the silence, for the time being, and let his thoughts wander while preparing the food on his own.
MinHee hid behind Junho as Taecyeon entered the room again.
‘Keep that walking evil away from me!’
Both Taecyeon and Junho grinned.
‘That giant monkey should be locked up in a cage!’ She continued.
Chansung peeked around Taecyeons waist.
‘And that elephant there too!’
Chansungs smile grew wider.
‘What would you do if we let Jay mess around in here?’
‘Kill him.’
The kitchen door opened and Junsu’s head came peeking around it. ‘Is it safe?’
Nichkhun winked. ‘Entering at own risk.’
Junsu opened the door a bit further with his back, carrying a tray loaded with food, placing it on the table.
The door closed, just to open again.
Junsu grinned, walking in again and coming out with another tray of food.
‘Come on in and help me with the drinks!’
The rest frowned. Junsu had been alone in there for as far as they knew, so who could be there with him?
The door opened again and a familiar small back came in sight.
‘Surprise!’ He said in sync with Junsu.
The short ex-leadja grinned. ‘Happy to see me?’
Junho nodded. ‘I thought you were returning to America!’
Jay shrugged. ‘I faked it. Stayed at a friend’s house, just for this.’
MinHee pulled his pink shirt. ‘Thank lord you’re back. Now you can tame these idiots!’
Jay laughed. ‘Thanks for missing me.’