This weekend has been incredibly better than the week preceeding it.
Yesterday we (meaning Sarah and I) decided that the way my room was set up made it too cramed, which was too true. So we decided to rearrange my furnature. Our first plan was to take the matress off of the bed, stowe the bed frame somewhere, and sleep on the floor in the corner of my room where there a little pocket by the closet&window.
We will make this fit.
After we had the bed thing figured out (and I had a ton of free space in my room!) Ms. Tous came up and asked why there was no bed in my room...and then went on to inform us that we can not take apart the furnatre. damn it. So we had to find a new way to arrange the furnature. So now I still have a bed, but i have a lot more room to move around, so its alright.
We also decorated the common room. it acutally looks pretty now!
in other news, the Bears lost. *sobs* and i have to read 69 more pages in Don Quixote...