Dec 27, 2005 23:23
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored!
today i worked. Actually, i was done with sorting and filing after two hours basically all i did was study Chinese and sleep. hehe...
If i do not get my report card tomorrow i am going to...murder a postal worker?...or not, that won't help much. probably just slow the fucking mail system down by another fucking week. ...though i am terrified to see my grades...I just wanna get it over with.
I have to go down to visit my grandmother with my family tomorrow...i hat going to visit her. i know it sounds horrible...but i hate have to drive 2 hrs, i hate spending the entire day with my family, i hate where she lives cuz its filled with sick, dying, old people. I know, i should be glad to visit her and cherish the rest of the time we have together before she dies and all that...but really i hate seeing her all old and not able to do stuff. i'd rather remember her as she was when she was younger. god i'm such a selfish bitch.
damn this is such a bad post...all i'm doing is complaining. i'm in a bad mood, thats what home does to me. sorries!
happy thoughs...happy happy happy thoughts...
i have grapefruite juice and my room is lit by candles!