(no subject)

Oct 02, 2008 21:11

I am so exhausted. Nursing school is kicking my ass. In a good way, but it is still ass-kickingly busy.

It's a little stressful, because I have so much due all the time, and I have to grade 397454 labs this week. I know I was a little worried that I wouldn't have things to do, but I need not worry anymore.

My first test is a week from tomorrow. I am also missing class on Monday because of a stupid doctors appointment. And my class is only on Monday and Friday, not M/W/F. I'm a little nervous. I won't lie.

I am kind of excited to go home though. I need to hug my puppy and my kitties. I miss having furry things around. Although, not the fur on my clothes....we need to come up with non-shedding animals.

I made all the kids in my one lab be facebook friends with me. hahaha. It's kind of amazing.

I'm really proud of myself, because I drew blood on someone the other day. I was totally successful, despite being a little anxious about the whole ordeal. I'm sure it won't always go that smoothly, but it was a really good confidence booster for me.

Ummm, I guess that's it for now. I am so tired, I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.
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