Ever get a song stuck in your head that is totally a "WTH??"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN6qRyKJbA0&feature=kp This is marked explicit even though there isn't a swear word in it... because "obscenity is all in your polka dot undies".
Still suffering with the UC flare. Slept for 12 hours on Friday. Really.
Am working on new thing. If it turns out, I will post photos. If it's ok, I'll post for comments. If it totally sucks monkey nuts, you will never, ever see it. You're welcome.
Did my taxes this weekend. I owe the commonwealth a few bucks in sales tax. Otherwise, I'm good.
Now I need to go soak my head and get a shower. Dad's playing golf. And now I'm looking at puppets again. *Rolls eyes*
And here's the comic link: