(no subject)

Nov 20, 2013 09:06

Dear Body,
WTF? I have been making you follow the doctors orders about lowering our cholesterol (the fish oil, low fat) and yet you go up?! This is stupid. Bite me.
No Love, Me

As part of our new health insurance at work, we get incentive to participate in the employee wellness program. OK. I was going to do that anyway but it's nice to get a little bonus. Part of the program is having a blood screening. Yes, it includes cholesterol testing. My fasting glucose was a lot lower than last time, though. Down to 91 from 101 so that is good. But glucose won't give me atherosclerosis.

And without going into the holy-shit-encyclopeadic-volumes-about-this-woman, a crazy aunt wants to friend me on Facebook. How can I do that... but not read any shit she posts? Because, trust, most of what she says is crazy shit. (For my aunt DSB, I'm talking about Ottie.) Or should I just run away, grow a beard and then shave it off and live happily ever after?

Yes, that is a Spongebob Squarepants joke.

Totally unrelated topic: why am I so interested in Earth Porn? I just love to look at photos from all over the world. Especially if they have waterfalls or creepiness in them. I save these pictures, too. I have no idea where half of these damn pictures were taken but I still save them. Good lord. But then, I have a shit load of photos of other peoples pets, too. (Damned LOLcats.)

I have off the first week of December. Going to the hills. Driving down on Saturday, 11.30.13. I want to look in some of the antique stores around there as well as visit with the fam/friends.

I was going to write about something else. Can't think of what it was, though.

health, family, no love letters, vacation

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