(no subject)

Aug 16, 2013 09:50

Whiny Rain is whiny.

First off, I like to make buttons. I've made tons. I even bought a button maker that does 1.25" buttons. I'm also selling some to coworkers. Just for the money it cost to make them. I'm going to save up the money to send to a charity. Not sure what charity but one of them. A coworker sent me some photos taken at work of various things we have in the lab - a picture of cholesterol crystals in a synovial fluid, a neutrophil, a petri dish, etc. I made some various lab ones. My favorite so far is a micrograph of two brain eating amoebas amongst cells that I added, "Halp! Amoebas be eatin' mah brains!" I thought about adding "nom nom nom" next to the amoeba but I decided that might be even too tasteless for my (low) standards.

Work this week has been stressful. Whenever I think I'm getting good at what I do, I get told that I'm not. It's not something that is catastrophic or anything like that, it's just a "Nooo, bad" type of thing (like you'd say to a dog who is on the sofa) and I spend the rest of the day ruminating on the subject making myself worse. Thank you, depression. Go suck on a hand grenade. Don't forget to pull the pin first. Bastard. Also, we had some rough cases come through the ER. Granted, I don't get a lot of information in the lab but what I do hear is enough to piss me off. Especially if there are kids involved. End of story.

Oh, the friend who just announced she's pregnant? She's having twins. Yeah, that's another depression bummer. At least the people who I know that are pregnant are people who will be responsible parents and love their children. So that makes me feel a little better. I had wanted to get married and have kids at one time. Of course, I also wanted a pony and I don't have that either.

I'm thinking of making a puppet. I ordered supplies yesterday from Joann.com because I'm too f'ing lazy to drive the five miles to go the local store. I also ordered more button components but that was from a different place. If it turns out, I'll post pictures. If it doesn't, I will disavow any knowledge of this paragraph.

I think I have adapted to this generation. I am typing this up and having TWO chats going on Facebook all at the same time.

I am fried. My gastric issue is flaring up so I'm gonna have to bolt.

buttons, work, depression, artsy fartsy

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