OK. Here's the report as of Saturday around 1600 hours.
I realized around 0500, that I didn't go to the bank and it was July 4th, a holiday so the bank was closed. *Insert many swear words here* *And here* So I could only get some cash via the ATM and that has a limit on what you can draw out. Fine. Left around 1000. Drove all the way with only one stop for gas. I had the foresight *yes, really* to bring a plastic cup with lid so I could carry and drink water. Water good. Especially if you are going on the Batan Death March of Fandom.
Got here to Pittsburgh around 1400. Got a room, walked over and got my convention swag and badge. Came back to hotel, read up on events in the con mag and then doodled a bit.
Got up and got out of here. Went to the Dealer's Den (shopping) and art show hall. Holy mother of God. Where did all of these vendors come from? I dropped off my horsie scarf at the charity raffle then proceeded to the Art Show. I couldn't display two of my pieces as there wasn't enough room. Note to self: Next year, get two panels. Once I took care of that, I people watched for a bit until it was time to attend the building puppets lecture.
These people were totally unprepared and goofy - so that meant they were funny and I had a good time. I got to meet and speak with Jim Martin. As in, holy shit, I'm meeting with an Emmy Award winner!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Martin_%28puppeteer%29 He is SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice! Remember the Great Space Coaster?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Space_Coaster He was/is Gary Gnu. Total slobbering fangirl. He sat with me and discussed how to build puppets. Mostly how to build the props for the hands and so on. He said to transfer fursuit construction to puppets. Easiest way to do it. The other guy, Chris, who does his own online puppet shows under the name, Fluff N Stuff, gave me pointers on how to make the mouth move, the puppet to look at a camera and make eye contact, and so on. He was really awesome, too. Not as awesome as knowing the Henson family personally, but he does really good work. He told me that taking an existing puppet and making hacks on it is easiest way to make a puppet character of your own design. We made paper puppets, got to try on these eyeballs to work on camera (it is really difficult, especially after Henson brought the idea of the puppet looking at and interacting with the camera), and to be all nutty. Too much fun.
I hit the dealers den next. Yes, went directly to the Dragon's Lair. This booth sells much awesomeness. They're here every year. I got an otter and a bobcat, both puppets by Folkmanis. LOVE their puppets. I talked to them about an opossum puppet and was told they can order them for me if I wanted and gave me their website. (I don't think Folkmanis sells direct to customer.) I wandered around, got light headed, decided I needed food and water.
Later, I walked up Liberty Avenue to the Toonseum.
http://www.toonseum.org/ It's a pilgrimage I make every year. On exhibit were comics and art from various Reuben Award winners, like Johnny Hart, Chic Young, and, OMFG, Sergio Argonnes and Al Jaffee! Yes, totally in love with that. :D I spent too much in the gift shop but it had a lot of neat stuff.
Came back to hotel, got food from room service.
Woke up intending to go to a lecture about casting and molding plastic prostheses for costumes but didn't get up early enough. So I said screw it and went to the Dealer's Den. Great God Almighty, STOP ME BEFORE I SHOP AGAIN! Also, carrying around a raccoon puppet in 90 degree heat is stupid. OK, yeah, it's cute, I just figured out his character and so on but no. The thing is f'ing LIFE SIZED. Stupid. (He is Stewart David Baker, a car mechanic in Big Saggy Bottom. Also known as Stu D Baker. Heh.) Bought lots of useless crap. Lots of fun. Chatted with many folks. I bought a purse. Well, ok. I probably shouldn't call it that. Uhm. It's one of those bags that men wear with their kilts. (No idea what they're called.) It is so cool! I wore it in the parade so I could carry my camera and cell phone. :) It is PERFECT for that, quick to open (even in costume) and sturdy. It has a Celtic knotwork design with wolves/dogs on it. The artist was super, super nice. I wandered around, throwing money at people. When I spent every last dollar I had (I'm not joking), I came back to the hotel, got some goodies in the hotel store, hit the ATM and went to the restaurant on the ground floor. Fresh fruit! Oh my! Strawberries were awesome! Went upstairs to eat. Got changed and went to the line up area for the fursuit parade.
This year the parade is rather special. The folks from the Guiness Book of World Records was here. AnthroCon is trying to get in as the largest collection of people in costume in one location. It took two minutes to get a photo taken. The hall was huge and full. Really. It's also special to me as I got to wear my new head made by Spark (
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10978884/ for photo). I can not only wear my glasses with it but I can also work the jaw. It's a snug fit so when it's on, it won't slip around. So, after the photo was taken, we all charged out and walked the parade route. I'm in the first quarter of the parade... and when I wanted to head back to the hotel, there were more people/furries walking by in the parade. I had to watch the last part of the parade because there wasn't any way back to the hotel. Not that it's a bad thing but I wanted to get a fursuiting badge. However, I wanted photos of me on my camera. I posed for this one guy who stopped me for a photo. I then asked if he'd take my camera and get pictures. He was overjoyed. OMG. He took about 10 pictures, even talked me into going out on the balcony over the river. He did great work! I will be uploading them later. I did make it to con ops before the line was huge. Stood there, chatted with some foxes, wolves, a Rottweiler and a blood hound. Nice canines. I then walked the outdoor route to get to the hotel. I had people driving by in cars waving at me and getting pictures. I'm a fat broad dressed as a cat. Go take pictures of the people who are dragons or something. I smiled and waved. Whatever. I stood in line for the elevator behind a Tauntaun (Yes, the ones from Star Wars) and chatted with her. Finally made it upstairs to chug massive amounts of water.
I stink. I stink so badly that I am offending myself. I reek. There is no word in the English language that can fully express the level of odoriferousness I am giving off. I have learned a few things though. Drinking a lot of water the previous several days was an EXCELLENT idea. I sweated a lot but I'm not dehydrated and on the verge of collapse. Next year, I will need a sweatband. My glasses were so covered in sweat, I could barely see. Lastly, sweat collects on your skin and will produce salt crystals when it dries. EWWWW.
Now, it's time to sit and relax. Maybe go get a soda somewhere... AFTER I get a shower and wash my hair.