May 12, 2013 11:07
I haven't been online much lately as I have mostly been on the phone. Seems that some jerkface hacked into my debit card and made off with some of my money. Nice. They didn't get much before the monitoring company caught it and called me about it. I said I don't live near where the card was used at and I was asleep when the card was used out there. So I'm dealing with all that shit. Talking to the cops, the credit union, filling out papers and trying to not spend money. It pisses me off, yes, but I'm not going to rage over it. I can't do anything other than what I'm doing. Had this happened earlier in life, the amount stolen would have left me broke, over my account holdings even. However, I still have money. I'm not going to starve. Hell, I could go a couple of days of Ramen noodles just to lose weight. LOL I do hope the cops will catch the person but I don't know if they will. I do use a FEDERAL credit union so it may go about their investigations a bit more seriously than a privately owned bank. Don't fuck with the feds.
I have moved house. I'm now downstairs in the refrigerator room. I have a lot of cleaning left to do but I am working on it. I even have places for some of my plush toys (I can't have a real cat so I drag home stuffed animals) now that I got rid of the records.
I drew the comic strip. It's posted. I also started a huge project for the AC art show. I hope I can finish it in time. It's a luna moth. I decided against the Ganesha. I may do that later, though. The moth idea will be much more awesome anyway.
artsy fartsy