(no subject)

Apr 15, 2013 09:53

Please pardon me for any screw ups in writing this today. I'm on the iPad and it has autocorrect. Also kind of difficult to type on.

First of all, my tv does work with the hd so I dont have to shuck out several hundred bucks for a new one. Yay!

I am thinking of doing another mandala but with Ganesha in it. I don't know if I have posted any of the mandalas here or not. Remind me to post links if I haven't. Anyway, I can't decide on a size... And I *really* need to practice drawing elephants. For whatever reason, when I try to draw them from my imagination, they all look like those gray aliens you see on all the abduction shows except with trunks. No bueno. God, they look hideous. And I'm not being overly critical of my own work this time. They really do look like grays! I've abducted you so I can probe your innards and eat your peanuts.

Well, I need to print off some pictures of elephants so I can go practice.

Oh, I do have one thing to share. I can't remember who or when it was, but.... I have learned that the adage of "old enough to know better" is b.s. Had an elderly patient come in with a high blood alcohol level. As in, above the legal limit. LOL

Tonight at work was Night of the Living Positive Blood Cultures. Ewww. Unfortunately, two rang off during morning rounds and there wasn't anyone in chemistry. Well, morning rounds are routine tests but cultures are stat. I did the stats... And had to leave everything for the 0700 tech. I feel bad but not as bad as the people who have cooties in their blood. I am probably being cussed at but as I said, the sick come before coworkers. I didn't get out of work until 0710, which is overtime. I am quite thankful that I didn't slip in the puke that was in the hallway outside the ED. If people aren't having cardiac problems, they have nausea and vomiting. Or a belly ache. Those are the popular illnesses right now.

work, drawing, art

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