I am alive. I have been online but I haven't anything to write about. And since Friday morning at worked sucked mighty wang (I will spare you the details), I've just been doing the artsy fartsy, playing video games and goofing off.
A big kerfuffle has been storming around an art website I post on (FA). The general gist of the brouhaha was that a woman was being stalked by a nut-job and the admins of said website did squat. Actually, they squatted on the woman and took a shit as they did nothing to ban the stalker. Also, they blamed the victim instead of the stalker, which really just pisses me off. A lot of women (and even a few guys) are leaving the FA community due to the shit-storm. The new website everyone is running to is Weasyl.com. I figured, WTF and I set up a profile over there, as well. I'm not going to abandon FA just yet. But that website has a long and storied history of responding poorly to situations like the above. I understand that they have to respect every individuals rights but this is kind of low. I shall see how well I like Weasyl.com before I jump off.
The comic strip is up. Here is the link:
http://art-fumes.livejournal.com/93042.html It celebrates the second of the two holidays last week. >:D
Another thing I was messing with: All those bottle caps friend gave me. I did some more of my goo flowers and designs in them. Later, I covered them with resin. Looks really good. Photos once the resin sets. Also, any beer bottle caps and/or old soda bottle caps (the metal ones, not the plastic) would be appreciated. Thx.