Mar 19, 2012 10:36
Dad begins his second week of chemo today.
Tonight, I had 21 patients, 2 type and screen tests, a flu, 2 strep screens, 1 urine osmo and 3 positive blood cultures on 3 different patients. Of course, two of the blood cultures rang off during morning rounds... therefore NO one was in chemistry. I hate to be this way, but I don't care that no one was in chemistry. AM rounds are routine, blood cultures are stat. Also, if the doctors complain, it's not my fault. I don't make the schedule. Why we need three hematology technicians and no chem tech - again, not my fault. I got the maintenance done and the all the tests from the first sentence completed. I can do no more. I am tired. I have been on my feet all 8 hours. I got to eat 2 graham crackers - that's it - during my entire shift. Again, when I have my stroke or cardiac problem due to this job, I'm going to seek early retirement.
Was kicked out of an art community today. The mods were very polite and kind so I have no problem with them or the community. Why was I thrown out? Because there were a couple of people who pitched a hissy fit that my art wasn't good enough. Wonderful. My self-confidence is but a thin thread of spider silk and now this happens. And we're talking about cartoon animals.... not say the Sistine Chapel or something. No matter. I will continue doing what I do since I do have people who like what I draw, how I draw, and, more importantly, *I like* to do it. Quite frankly, since I know how petty and drama-mongering the furry community is at large, it's probably for the best. God knows what a shit-storm would happen if I didn't put EXACTLY THREE DOTS on the cheek of someone's fursona. (I'm anal retentive due to my job... these people take that to a whole new level.) Sorry, but I'm not gonna rage-quit or make drama. It's not fair to the mods who have been quite polite and civil through the whole thing. Plus, one of them is a friend. I do NOT envy them in their task as mods. TL:DR - I got tossed out of a community over petty drama but I'm cool with it because I don't have to deal with the drama.