Nov 06, 2011 18:55
I printed out the photos of the HMOA conservatory. I'm going to make a book of them. I also have some postcards to put in it. I have the covers cut out, I just need to decorate them. I also have to write the descriptions of the back of each picture... and maybe the postcards. Yes, photos when I'm finished. I should also get a photo or two of the Art Fumes book I completed yesterday.
A review: the phone takes ok pictures. My digital camera is a lot better for close ups, far away and has a good flash. So, if it isn't medium distance and well lit, the photos aren't so hot on the phone. But, for just playing, the pictures look decent enough. I'd give the phone's camera a B- grade. Does the job but if you want professional looking, A+ grade photos, use a real camera. Glad I didn't go to any of the cemeteries to do photography art.
artsy fartsy