Sep 22, 2011 09:53
Work was busy. As I often say, I think we are understaffed. I just wish we could get rid of one of the old chem analyzers. That would make my life easier. Just one.
I got my shoes from LLBean. They're warm. :) There is only ONE problem - they have wool in them... and my feet are ticklish. :P I keep giving myself the giggles!
In an LJ community, someone mentioned how an artist went apeshit crazy on a commissioner. The artist said some really hurtful things and, having been there myself, I did a cartoon of the commissioner's character. Everyone needs a virtual hug once in a while. The commissioner wasn't even being an ass/jerk about anything. Sigh. It is nice to see all the support for the com. though.
Not sure what else I was going to say. I could tell you about this blood bank survey I'm working on but no one really cares about that. I'm just glad that I'm about halfway through it... and I actually know what I'm doing. (Blood bank is a scary place.)
Since I have the house to myself, think I will wash my hair and laze about in the living room. At least, until I get cold. Then it's time to duck downstairs to the electric blanket. ...I love fall. :)