My ankle hurts. Thanks. I am so clumsy. This is just pathetic.
I didn't sell either of my three pieces in the art show. I think I set the prices too high. Oh well. At least I got to display them, get my name out there and have people notice it. I did see people looking at my items. Of the three things I put bids on, I won two: "Boo!" by Amaruq which is a leopard that was cut out of wood with a scroll saw (sort of like what this company does: and a large photograph of a smiling tiger (as seen here on the artists Deviant Art page:§ion=&q=hewhowalkswithtigers#/d2jpi35). Is that not the most amazing photo ever??? He's awesome! I got to chat with Lizardbeth and Ursula Vernon, two of my favorite artists, while in the check out line. :) (I have all of Lizardbeth's books and several of Ursula's prints.) I don't feel so bad if my stuff didn't sell as I have a day job... but for the folks who do art for a living and don't sell everything, well, I find that sad.
I did commission one last artist to do a con badge for me. I gave her an envelope with my address and some stamps on it so hopefully that will ensure I get it. The artist is Sigil_Goat who has a good reputation so I shouldn't worry.
While going into the art show to get my stuff, I saw Vidan with Tiggy. Gave them each some comics. I had done so with a few other folks I met/ chatted up.