Nov 04, 2010 09:58
Work was ok. Busy but not insane. Had another suicide attempt patient. This one took Ambien and drank a lot of alcohol. Her alcohol level alone was toxic. :(
Rained all night. Has rained most of the morning. Hope it continues as it is nice to sleep to.
Had an allergist appointment. Basically, the "Hi.Howareyou?Anynewsymptoms?No?GOOD!Here'srefillsonyourscripts.Byeeee!" Since the office is near Joann Fabrics, I stopped in there on the way home. *Rolls eyes* So, SIX skeins of sock yarn later, I remember, "Oh, yeah. I came in to buy some patches for Crow's purse". DERP! :P I may try knitting a pair of socks this time. Or, at least, a tube that I can stitch one end closed and call it a sock.
I will finish the chinchilla tomorrow. I got the ears completed yesterday. The fun fur I bought to make the ears out of was NOT going to work. It has a very long pile and looks more like hair. So, ever the freak, I made the inner ear the same color as the outside of the bag then took the fun fur/hair and made tufts for the inside. Looks mighty cute! :D I need to make the tail and the goatee then do final assembly. :D Yes, I will post photos. :)