Work was worky. Whee.
My cousin PSV and her daughter ANV are coming to visit for the weekend. Not sure if I will be online much while they are here. We *hope* to go to the National Aquarium ( in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Don't know if we will do much more than that on Friday. Maybe I can talk them into going to the Walters Gallery ( Dunno. Saturday they want to go to Park City Mall and maybe the ( and Craft Warehouse (which is in the lovely little town of Blue Ball). (Near the towns of Paradise, Bird-In-Hand and Intercourse in the heart of the oh-so-religious area of the Amish.) Yeah, I know. "Why hello there, Mr. Paycheck! And goodbye there, Mr. Paycheck!" Anyway, it will be a minivacation of sorts. I'll be outta York County, at any rate. :)