Jan 22, 2010 13:18
I'm still not well. This bites. Been nearly a week, dammit! I cough very badly - I sound like my grandfather did.
I dreamed about my mom last night. Maybe that is why my mood sucks.
Am going to try to finish knitting the scarf for D.knees. (Codename.) I miss her. Almost to the point that I would move to Phoenix just to hang out with her again. I hate Phoenix, though. Too damned hot, crowded and my cousin and his psycho wife would want to hang with me. While I do love my cousin, how he married someone that neurotic is beyond me. This is the friend who had to put to sleep one of her cats late last year. DKnees does not have kids. Cats = kids. She still hasn't recovered.
Then I'll work on Cornerofmadness's shawl. I at least want to put one more skein into it. It's going to be a rectangle, COM. Hope that's okay. And, no fringe, since you pull it off and I hate to put the crap on.
I am hoping to go to a used office furniture place on Saturday. I want to get a metal filing cabinet - one with five drawers. Maybe I'll go today. Just checked the site. They're not open on Saturdays. Crud. Well, I guess I need a shower.