WTF? Seriously, folks. If you aren't going to teach your car to sit and stay, you really shouldn't be taking it for walkies. This is just terrible. Poor thing will soon have itself all wound up around that table.
How to Make a Shitty Day:
1) Toss and turn during the time that you are supposed to sleep.
2) Wake up after the night in the mosh pit to realize that you have knot in your hair that is only slightly smaller than your cat.
3) Go to work. When you arrive, realize that you don't have a jacket in the car... and it's pouring down rain so you're going to get soaked.
4) *Men may skip this step* Get your period halfway through your shift.
5) *Men may skip this step also* Get massive cramps and lethargy.
6) Spend most of shift sitting on ass bored out of your mind so you start thinking... which depresses the hell out of you.
7) Go home, check you internet and find that some of your friends are having shitty days, too.
Time to take a step back and thank God I don't have access to firearms. Well, I do, but I don't know where Dad keeps 'em at the moment. OK. I'm being facetious there but I do feel like crap. :P I do get funny here in a few lines. Really. Keep reading. I do get better... well, less grouchy and more weirdy.
Going to need MASSIVE amounts of LOLcats to make me feel better.
Worked on the beaded con badge idea. Looks like hell. Am going to go bury in the compost heap. (If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.) I may try again later but I have birthday gifts to make before I will get time to do that.
So, while I was at work, bored senseless, I began to think. Got all depressed so I decided to think about something else.
As you all know, I draw "Art Fumes", the webcomic. I have a character in that named Zero-G Lunar, Space Wolf, who is an outer space hero sort of like a "Flash Gordon" but a wolf. Problem is that he ISN'T an astronaut; he's actually an escaped mental patient with delusions named Glenn Robinson (the name comes from John Glenn the first Senator from Outer Space and Joel Robinson from MST3K). I was thinking - and I'm just bouncing ideas around - that I should add to Zero-G's story line. Since he is an escaped nutjob, he needs to have someone try to catch him and return him to the asylum. Just so that we stay in the "must be funny" realm, I came up with the idea that the person chasing him has to be an animal that can't hunt; thus I thought up Keefer, a cow. His sidekick/assistant is Grapenuts, a stupid opossum. Thus, I have a cow and a possum searching (hunting) for a wolf. Yeah, it makes sense to me. Other people will just have to accept it. Also, I'm thinking of adding a hallucination for Zero-G to play with - a guy who tells him what he's supposed to do - you know, a boss. Not sure where I'm going with the idea as far as species goes... but he/she will be the head of a military type organization that Zero-G is a part of and will send him on missions. I also need to get a book on drawing space ships. Every time I try to draw a space ship, I get 1) a rip-off of the Space Shuttle or 2) something similar to a giant vibrator or tampon. (Tamp on! Tamp off!) (Yeah, I get stupid when I'm tired and crampy and just feeling like total shit. Thanks for asking, though!) I have done a few REALLY ROUGH sketches of Keefer and Grapenuts but nothing too permanent yet. So, anyway, what do you think? Funny? Stupid? What the hell is she writing about again?
I am going to go take a long, hot shower. What was that Binkley said in "Bloom County"? "When the world kicks you in the fanny, it's best to go and soak it" or something to that affect.