Feb 28, 2009 18:16
Yesterday at work was weird. Joy and I shouldn't work in blood bank together. We always seem to attract bizarre things. We had a patient come in with an antibody. She needed a transfusion. OK. So we have to antigen type the patient and then a bunch of units. Poor Joy. She had to antigen type ALL of our O- units... and only ONE was Duffy A negative. :S Hope that we can get another unit ready for the patient.
Yesterday was also my last day on first shift. The core lab supervisor, Karen, left a card and a brooch (a rhinestone encrusted cat!) in my locker. The note is very touching, too. Made me cry. I know I'm not the highest paid graduate in my class... but working with people like Karen, that makes up the monetary difference.
Last night, I just read. Also worked on my Dead Rock Stars Index some.
Today, I went to Stampede and bought some items. I also went to Joann Fabrics and found some paper and yarn on sale. I also bought a book: Knitting for Peace by Betty Christiansen. Not so much about patterns (it has around 10) but more about charities that are trying to help the needy of the world and what they accept as donations. Also, there is a bit of history in the book about knitting charities - for example: Martha Washington, George's wife, who would follow the general around (at a safe distance, of course) and she would make things for the troops as well as the general. I have a fondness for George since he had a fondness for some of my ancestors, especially General Varnum. :D Anyway, I like to help others but I'm really not into the full contact thing... so, a behind the scenes assist is more my thing. Also, some people whom I have gifted with my homemade items weren't very appreciative of them... which hurts me. I put a lot of effort into my work and for someone to just toss it aside bothers me.
I came home and made a card for Karen. It's rather nice. I'm also working on a magnet for my locker. I may make a few of the magnets to hand out to coworkers and friends in the science fields. :)
Tonight, I will probably do artsy fartsy until late. I need to get ready to go on second shift. I'm not sure I will like second. They seem to be a bit off. I'm not sure why but I don't feel comfortable around them. I think it is because they don't seem as serious about the job as I am. I don't know what it is really. I'm really conscious about my job and what I'm doing. Yeah, I goof off but only when I have time and it's safe for me to do so. I do like the women on third shift, though. They're nuts. :D
Uh. I guess that's it. Further bulletins as they warrant.
blood bank,