Nov 05, 2008 18:11
About the election yesterday, this has restored my faith in my country. I've heard all the comparisons of Obama to President Kennedy and the Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.,... and I can see the point (the eloquence of Obama's oratory, for example) but I need to caution you people. JFK and Dr. Rev. King were both ASSASSINATED! Please, let us not jinx our first African American president. So, while I am jubilant and his acceptance speech was quite moving, I fear for his safety.
Took the possum puppet that I had crocheted back in May to work to show Monica. I also showed it to Jen... the woman who loves possums and has even kept them as pets. (She had to put her latest pet possum to sleep in August.) Since I have no use for a puppet (and I have the pattern written down somewhere so I can make another one if needed), I gave it to her. I thought she was going to cry. I'm so happy that she liked it. For me, the fun is in making something, not in the having of the finished project... and to make someone THAT happy... *warm fuzzy tingles*
We also had two WEIRD things to do in the Heme department (SQUEAMISH - PLEASE SKIP). First off, Monica had to perform a sperm count. OK. Get your giggles out of the way here. The reason for the testing is to see why the patient's wife can't get pregnant. So, she made a slide and we popped it under the microscope. It was a 50-50 split of dead to live ratio. Most of the dead ones had two heads or three tails or were bent in half... and that is NOT from the delivery to the lab... that's typical. So, if you are breathing, it is a miracle you were born with some semblance of normalcy. With the way those things looked, it's amazing we all don't have three heads and six arms. (I will admit that I would like to have an extra arm and hand sometimes. Would make knitting a helluvalot easier!) Second off, we had a young patient (I think in her 20s) who had a list a yard long of ailments - most gastrointestinal - and the doctors had ordered a Malaria exam done! COOL! So, I got to see how to prepare a thick smear for analysis and then looked through a scope at the thin preps we made. I didn't see any Plasmodium - the cootie that causes Malaria - but she did have a BIZARRE blood smear! I don't know what was wrong with her, but she had a left shift in her leukocytes and her red cells were also messed up. *Shudders* I hope she'll be ok.
Earlier in the morning, I was showing the crocheted possum to the ladies on third shift as they were preparing to leave. I told them that I had crocheted it. Kelly stated, "I used to knit". I responded, "I'm not really adept at knitting; I'm better at crocheting. Thus, I'm not a knit wit, I'm a hooker". Kelly then spat her water all over Tracy's arm. Tracy said that I should work on third shift with them... I'm crazy enough. ;) HA!
LASTLY: as I was leaving today, John stopped me. He said that sometime this week, he and Karen (they're second and first shift bosses) would like to interview me for a job. The lab is going to undergo some rearranging of its workforce (one lady just transferred to a job outside the lab but in the hospital and they have had an open part time position for second shift for over a year) and making new positions and changing old ones. SQUEE!
clinical rotation,