(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 22:17

OK, so, yeah, I'm insane. I was thinking of joining Furcadia but I'm not sure about that right now. It seems to be a lot of work to just hang out. I know, arthurpod, "Why don't you just play Warcraft?" Sigh. I want something with animals in it!

I may have to make something up. A few years ago, I created my own RPG about merpeople living under the ocean. Seriously. I had it all set up for people to go play in - but it was on paper and not online. I wouldn't even know how to start making something online. :-( I should be getting a computer degree, dammit! Yeah, that will be the next one. Ha ha. But, yes, I still have some stuff from "Aquina" the merpeople game.

--->EDIT:<--- Like I need anything MORE to tie up my time! Shut up, Brain! We are not going to play an RPG! If I'm going to do that, I'm going to make a custom LJ page!

All this reminds me that I need to write SOMETHING for Crow's RPG booklet, "Dragon Gem". I haven't done that in ages and she's been harping on me to write more. I don't know. I just haven't felt "elfy" of late.

Worked on punking my Chinese Chucks. Doing some of my Kaleidoscopic art on them in black Sharpie. I will go out tomorrow and get some sparkly paint to fill in between the lines. I painted the stars on the sides, the back stripe and the "One Star" logo all in glow in the dark paint. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!

I just realized that this semester is over half way completed. THANK GODS!

I watched a TV show this evening called "Ghostly Encounters" which is where regular people tell ghost stories that they have experienced. In one episode, a woman went to that traveling exhibit of HMS Titanic relics and purchased a piece of coal that had been in the hold of the doomed ship. Soon as she bought it, she began to have misgivings, then got physically sick (headache, nausea - the things I get when I go to Gettysburg), and wanted to return it. She didn't because the museum had closed. At home, she left it out on the counter in her kitchen and went upstairs to bed. After sleeping a while, she awoke and looked out her window to see a disheveled man peering in at her. She described what I would have said was a stoker. Talk about freaky! She was on the second floor so the guy wasn't a Peeping Tom! She claims that he appeared as if he had a dead man's stare. *Shivers* She donated the coal to her church where they keep it as a reminder to the lives lost.

Anyway, stupid Brain and I are going to go find something to get into.

ghost stories, punk chucks, paranormal

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