Sep 11, 2006 21:22
Ok, so I'm stuck in traffic and staring into space waiting for something to happen. I heard on the radio that the York Fair had started and I was sadden to know that the freak show wouldn't be here this year. I often wonder what it would have been like back in the Golden Age of circuses when the freak tent was a big draw. Could I have gotten a job in the freak tent? Hm.
There are the natural "freaks" and the man-made ones. I could do the born freak thing since my hair is rather long and I have no intentions of cutting it. The man-made freaks, these are the people who eat light bulbs or swallow razors. Not exactly the brightest of career paths. I began to think, what are MY unique talents? I came up with this list:
I can curl my tongue - a rare, genetic anomally but not really "showy". I do, however, have two very talented feet! I can write with them and even draw poorly (the writing is legible though). I can also pinch with my toes strong enough to leave a mark. Lastly, I can pick up and throw things I find on the ground: rocks, sticks, pencils, etc. Again, not show stopping but unique.
Oh well. I miss you Lil Pete, the Fire Eating Dwarf, and Hugh Snowden, the Fat Man. Come back to our fair anytime!
meows and purrs
freak show,