you can call this entry "brendon trying to be cool"

May 07, 2005 17:12

in my daily converges between the latest theories of modern science, i was acused to be a fool by, infact, a fool himself. my knowledge of the tangent, quantum physics, mechanical chaos hyberbolic equations, and so on, have proved yet another incoherent being, FUTILE. in my, lets call it 'conversions', with a mr. brendon walsh, i damaged his cerebral cortex to the power of recieving third degree burns. in other words, BRENDON GOT OWNED! throughout my converstion, he challenged me to silly definitions of calculus, in which i dismissed as mere childsplay and fought back with concepts that were way over his cranium. IN CONCLUSION, i am the tangent master (including quantum physics, logurithims, hyperbolic functions of complex roots, ect.) and the tangent master lives on.

airforcefalcon27: hey
shimmy4123: hey
shimmy4123: whats up
airforcefalcon27: nothing, bored
airforcefalcon27: you?
shimmy4123: having a party over here with billy
shimmy4123: and going to go meet up with sam and brian because they own you
airforcefalcon27: sounds brilliant
shimmy4123: oh but it is
airforcefalcon27: and no, sam and brian do not "own" me
airforcefalcon27: slavery is illegal:-)
shimmy4123: how long did it take you to come up with taht one
shimmy4123: :-)
airforcefalcon27: oh about 6.3 seconds, the same amount of time it took you to compose a rational thought:-) (the average time is .53 seconds)
shimmy4123: at least my thoughts are rational
shimmy4123: as your thoughts are irrational and unreal
shimmy4123: your thoughts are equivalent to the square root of -1
airforcefalcon27: rational thoughts lead to rational minds, and rational minds think of rational ideas, and rational ideas are rather useless at the point in history
airforcefalcon27: irrational thoughts from an irrational mind create irrational ideas, which then the said person with the irrational mind markets the said irrational idea into rational money:-)
shimmy4123: go apply l'hopitals rule to your tangent fantasies
shimmy4123: it is undoubtably irrelevant
shimmy4123: your thoughts are as useless as the debate of quantum mechanics vs. relativity
shimmy4123: the cosine of your insults does not affect me as rationalizing complex numbers
shimmy4123: the thought of hypercubical quantum physics sends chills thoughout your cerebral cortex
airforcefalcon27: quantum mechanics do not exist, i believe the phrase you are searching for is quantum physics, which if your primitive brain would try to understand, you would start listening to crappy music, oh wait nevermind, you already like sum41:-)
airforcefalcon27: and by the way, most of those terms you used apply to geometry, not psychology
shimmy4123: why dont you go drool at the glory of cecean calculus
airforcefalcon27: i believe you mean secant, which doesnt apply to calculus anyway
shimmy4123: the chaos theory seems immenemt compared to you primative sapien-like annecdotes
airforcefalcon27: explain chaos theory, i doubt you know of it:-)
airforcefalcon27: and if you cant, i will
shimmy4123: the chaos theory is mere childsplay
airforcefalcon27: compared to?
shimmy4123: a fantasy created by so called high minded professors
shimmy4123: such as your presence
shimmy4123: we are not pleased with your arrogance
airforcefalcon27: im a high-minded professor?
airforcefalcon27: i doubt you know what arrogance is
airforcefalcon27: because arrogance is in fat, irrational, and as you said, your thoughts are "rational"
shimmy4123: go find the tangent of cube rooted factorial equations
airforcefalcon27: fact*
shimmy4123: oh how foolish of my cerebrum
shimmy4123: you cant
airforcefalcon27: tangents dont apply to factorial
airforcefalcon27: :-)
airforcefalcon27: how foolish of your cerebrum indeed
shimmy4123: you stupidity has no tangents
shimmy4123: its equation is equal to simple fractal patterns
shimmy4123: endless
airforcefalcon27: endless is the flow of your poorly strung together arguments
shimmy4123: umm hey, my arguments are valid such as the noncomplex logurithims that i comprehend every secong
airforcefalcon27: do you mean algorithms?
shimmy4123: non affirmative
airforcefalcon27: okay then whats a logurithm?
shimmy4123: this is not mere algebra my child
shimmy4123: we are on the brink of mathematical perfection
shimmy4123: you however are not
airforcefalcon27: mathematics is a thoery, theorys are never perfect, therefore mathematics can never be "perfect"
shimmy4123: maybe you should familiarize yourself with the old rules of a+bi
shimmy4123: l'hopitals rule
shimmy4123: and the mandovian set
shimmy4123: your knowledge can be comprehended into a simple matix
airforcefalcon27: perhaps the left hemisphere of your brain(the one that deduces logic) should know when to quit
shimmy4123: with no complex roots
airforcefalcon27: come on, i know youve got some more made up stuff
shimmy4123: it is only logical to prove wrong those who dont know the fundamentals of calculus
airforcefalcon27: alright then, whats calculus?
shimmy4123: how about the question "what is NOT calculus"
shimmy4123: calculus is not the emissions of feeble neurons in your cavity you call your head
airforcefalcon27: anthing that does not have to do with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions with one+ variables is not calculus:-)
airforcefalcon27: "And btw, the fundamentals of calculus are differential and integral calculus"
airforcefalcon27: what? nothing?
airforcefalcon27: nothing at all?
shimmy4123: how about you tell me what fraunhofer diffraction is
airforcefalcon27: and to answer the earlier question, quantum physics is the branch of physics using quantum theory to describe a physical system
shimmy4123: solve some limits of feeble equations
shimmy4123: the quantum theory is irrelevant to the theory of relativity
airforcefalcon27: do you even know what e=mc(squared) means?
shimmy4123: yes i do
shimmy4123: and i will not tell you so that you can find out
airforcefalcon27: its energy=the squared velocity of light per second
airforcefalcon27: and btw
shimmy4123: go find the arc length of a sine wave
airforcefalcon27: the fraunhofer diffraction deals with the limiting cases where the light appoaching the diffracting object is parallel and monochromatic, and where the image plane is at a distance large compared to the size of the diffracting object
airforcefalcon27: :-)
shimmy4123: your insults are as tangent as a riccati-differential-equation
airforcefalcon27: which one?, theres several equations known by that name
shimmy4123: if you began to converge some cosine parabolic and tangent complex root converges
shimmy4123: then you might gain a little knowledge
shimmy4123: that is, if you can contain it
shimmy4123: or let alone, handle the comlexity
airforcefalcon27: the most common is z(squared)w(to the 11th) +{z(squared)-n(n+1)}w=0
airforcefalcon27: of course, you would know that
airforcefalcon27: of course, if you know riccatis-differential equation, you would certainly know Poisson's Function
airforcefalcon27: or if not that, perhaps Helmholtz Differential Equation
shimmy4123: yes, i am overjoyed, while you were arguing incoherently with me, i found the limit to the derivative of (x^52)/inf
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