Rain’s LA concert on June 30 was forced to be cancelled.
In the official statement on July 1 (Korea time), StarM mentioned the lawsuit about the artist name ‘Rain’ caused most USA tour concerts were postponed on June 7. Based on V2B Global, the LA producer’s firm decision on LA concert and ignoring Rain and StarM’s opinion, and yet the concert was unable to be held as planned.
In short, the basic stage setup was not even built properly one and a half hour before the show started. In particular, according to the electricity safety law in LA city and fire prevention rules stated by Staples Center, all the electrical equipment including huge LED screen, conveyor belt, electricity generator for stage facilities, motors for special effects, etc are not allowed for use. Electricity supply is only available for UL microphone and all these important info was not delivered to StarM and world tour stage crews by the local producer and agency.
Due to time constrain, the time for stage setup was not enough but all the crews still did their best from day to night. Even though, the LA safety officer gave instructions to move away all equipments three hours before the show began.
Understanding the bad situation, Rain would like to carry on his concert as scheduled. To prepare for his last world tour concert, Rain arrived LA two weeks ago and put in all his efforts into the preparation works. He even expressed his strong will that he wanted the concert to go on although there was only one song he could sing.
Nonetheless, it was unlikely to have the concert since the basic stage setup was not done. That was a stage that the performers, crews and even the audience would be doubtful about its safety.
The main problem is the capital problem of local organiser, V2B Global. They did not pay the deposit to local producer on time and thus, all the necessary equipment and facilities could not arrive on time or incomplete. The protuding stage and two-level stage were not ready on the concert day itself.
To understand the real situation, StarM and world tour crews have been trying to communicate with local producer but the local organiser lied to the crews and StarM. They said the producer was backout on that day because the cheque they received was overdrawn. Moreover, the local organiser did not pay for the food provided to the artist and working crews. Thus, all the expenses including air tickets of working crews and transportation fees for equipment were paid by StarM.
StarM would like to hold the concert as usual even they had to pay the cost. However due to the lack of time, they felt so sorry for the fans who come over for the last concert in Rain’s world tour.
Listen to Rain's apology on youtube. 와주신 거 진심으로 감사드리구요,
I appreciate for coming down here .
그리고 오늘 공연이, 최고의 공연이 될꺼라고 분명히 다짐했는데
본의아니게 안정상의 문제와 그리고 제가 공연장에 도착했을 때는 아예 무대가 없었어요. 무대가 설치되지 않았었고,
About tonight’s show, i made sure it’d be the greatest show ever~~
but against my will, and mixed up with safety, there was no stage ready when i got to the spot.
제가 여러분과의 약속에서 분명히 최선의 노력을 다했지만,
일단 여러분들께 약속한, 공연의 100% 를 보여드리려고 분명히 약속했는데
그것을, 일단 지키지 못한 것에 대해서 못해서 대단히 죄송하게 생각하구요~~(fans’ cheering~~ it’s all right, it’s ok~~)
I mentioned before, i’d try to do my best and promised to bring a 100&% stage for you guys,
I’m so sorry i couldn’t keep my words for that at first.
그 월드투어에 마지막을 참 장식하게 되어서 굉장히 가슴이 아프구요,
아시아 투어의 미국까지 오는데, 저에게는 이루 말할 수 없는 연습시간과
그리고 제 노력과 믿음과 여러분들에 대한, 여러분들의 기뻐하는 생각으로 가득 차 있었는데,
I’m really hurt the last of my world tour ended up like this,
from the Asia tour to the States, the countless time of practice and my effort,
not to mention, the faith of yours and your will-be joy on the faces, are all i was thinking full in my head….
어쨌든 아시아투어를 너무 성공리에 잘 끝내게 해 주신 모든 아시아팬들께,
다시 한번 감사드리고 또 미국내에있는 모든 팬 여러분들께 정말, 죄송하게 생각하고
빠른 시일내에 더 좋은 공연으로 꼭, 아주 좋은 사람들과 공연을 갖도록 하겠습니다.
Anyhow, i’d like to thank again all of the Asisan fans, who made the success over there possible,
and really feel sorry for all of fans in the States. I’ll try to have much better gig(s) with very good staffs within short time.
이번 일은 정말 진심으로 죄송하다는 말씀 드리고 싶고,
너무나 억울한 것은, 말 아무 것도 결정을 지을수가 없었다는 것이고,
모든것은 앞으로 제가 더 열심히 꼭 좋은 모습 보여드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
I’d like to say my apology again with my heart.
Above all, the worst thing i can’t deal with is there’s nothing I could make a decision of.
(so) about everything, i will try to show you my best effort in the future.
감사하구요, 저는 이제 내일 바로 베를린으로 가서 이제 영화 촬영을 시작을 해야 될 것 같애요.
몇달동안 제 소식이 없을 지도 모르는데, 영화도 잘 찍고 오겠습니다. 감사합니다.
thank you, Now i’m going to Berlin tomorrow right away to start to shoot the film.
There mihgt be no news from me at all for months, though, I’ll be back after shooting.
I appreciate. thank you.
cerdit: Sydney @ Rain- USA
source : hourse’s mouth @ Benamoo
Q: The LA concert was the only remaining concert left in the US concert tour. What was cancelled too?
A: I was determined to make it a successful concert, but things did not go as I wanted it to be, and the concert was cancelled due to security reasons. When I arrived at the concert hall, the stage was not constructed at all. Although I did all I can, I couldn’t keep my promise to the fans. I am extremely apologetic.
Q: After a succession of cancellations, do you have any plans to reschedule?
A: Due to this ridiculous conclusion to the final concert of my world tour, my heart is really aching. After successfully completing the Asia tour, I have put in countless effort and determination to make the US tour a perfect end to the World Concert Tour. All I hoped for was to make my fans happy, but things turned out this way in the end. I’ll like to thank my Asian fans for making the Asia tour a success, and to my US fans who have been anticipating my concert, I am so very sorry. I will work towards meeting my fans on a better stage in the near future. I will definitely do my concerts with good people.
Q: Was there no way to stop that chain of problems that had happened?
A: For what had happened, I’ll like to apologize once again. I feel wronged I wasn’t able to make any decision (do anything) about this. At the end of the day, I’ve learned that everything requires me to be even more hardworking. I will put in even more effort to put on a better performance.
Q: What’s your schedule like going forward?
A: I’ll be flying to Berlin tomorrow to begin filming of the movie “Speed Racer”. In many months to come, I may be unable to give any news to my fans. I will return after the filming concludes.
Below is an interview with Star M Lee In-Gwang:
Q: You didn’t anticipate a scenario where the concert will be cancelled?
A: Yesterday (29th), at around 11pm, we realised the severity of the situation. V2B Global, which has been emphasizing that there are no problem, did not pay the production people in time. the equipments did not reach the concert site at all. Furthermore, the specifications at Staples Centre did not meet requirements. V2B Global came to us once with the cash and guaranteed to do their best for the concert. We had to make good our promise to let them handle the concert, but in the end, we had to cancel the concert due to insufficient time.
Q: The reason behind all the US concerts being cancelled?
A: The local production and organising companies all made grand promises of being able to handle the concerts, but in the end, they scr3wed up. In the case of the LA concert, due to delayed payment, there was even an incident when the lighting crew walked away. In order to keep our promise to fans, we paid the transport logistics, the air tickets of relevant personnel and even food expenses. We have tried our best, but things simply did not happen according to our will. We are in deep discussion about the directly handling issues such as relevant rent and the ticket sales for the next concert.
Q: In other words, there will be rescheduling?
A: We may have brought too much disappointment to the fans already. For them, at worst, we will even consider doing a free concert. Far all the problems that have happened with the concerts, we will re-look at them and come up with improved strategies. Thereafter, we will reschedule after proper planning. Such an incident will not happen again.
Source: Starnews
Chi translation by lovebi_rain@Baidu RAIN bar
Eng translation by jjbug@rain-malaysia
Credit to all the info: soompi