My Creative Zen and My Enakei Notebook

Mar 13, 2010 22:29

OK, OK, just one more picture of me: This is obviously just to show off how my hair turns blonde in sunlight. My hair is a freaky thing of nature, and yet I am so proud.... My nails are done is super bright pink, and I am sitting at my very, very, very messy desk.

So... My Creative Zen. I have wanted to own one since I heard the company name. I love the name... and I love the um, sleekness of the product. Plus it has an amazing screen to watch videos! The screen is beautiful. The pictures don't do it justice. I have been in love with this thing ever since I got it. It's so much fun to have a color screen!

Behold! The Zen in my black skin:

In the original pink (You can totally see the shadow of my hand holding the camera)

My enakei notebook is here too! Oh my gosh, I couldn't figure out how to upload pictures from the camera to my computer before so that's why I never showed it before! I'm so excited, I took some crap pictures:

Page Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Back of every page

As you can see, this is a very colorful notebook. The designers spared no ink. I am in love with this notebook. The craftsmanship is so beautiful. I can't bear to write in it either!

So I hope this was enjoyable.. Because it was a pain to do. I had to resize all the pictures twice. The first time to get the picture that is the link and the second time to get a mini-picture to click on. Why do pictures from camera come out so BIG????

Now I must shower and go to bed. Without even writing any stories, geez.

zen, pictures, enakei

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