You might be a bigot if ...

Mar 19, 2012 11:28

... you have "_____ friends."

I do not have black friends. I do not have Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or Martian friends.

I _DO_ have friends who are black. I also have friends who are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgendered. I have friends who I suspect of being Martian, but the jury's still out. To me, the fact that they're my friends is more important than whatever label of race, creed, or sexuality may or may not be applied to them.

The point I'm trying to make is this: The phrase "I'm not a bigot, I have ____ friends" should be a huge red flag to everyone. It means exactly the opposite of what the claimant says. The fact that they phrase it that way puts the emphasis on the adjective, the "____", and indicates they are more concerned with a person's _____ness that with a person's friendship.

YMMV, Rant over.


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